ArrayComprehension |
AST node for a JavaScript 1.7 Array comprehension.
ArrayComprehensionLoop |
AST node for a single 'for (foo in bar)' loop construct in a JavaScript 1.7
Array comprehension.
ArrayLiteral |
AST node for an Array literal.
Assignment |
AST node representing the set of assignment operators such as = ,
*= and += .
AstNode |
Base class for AST node types.
AstNode.PositionComparator |
AstRoot |
Node for the root of a parse tree.
Block |
A block statement delimited by curly braces.
BreakStatement |
A break statement.
CatchClause |
Node representing a catch-clause of a try-statement.
Comment |
Node representing comments.
ConditionalExpression |
AST node representing the ternary operator.
ContinueStatement |
A continue statement.
DoLoop |
Do statement.
ElementGet |
AST node for an indexed property reference, such as foo['bar'] or
foo[2] .
EmptyExpression |
AST node for an empty expression.
EmptyStatement |
AST node for an empty statement.
ErrorCollector |
An error reporter that gathers the errors and warnings for later display.
ErrorNode |
AST node representing a parse error or a warning.
ExpressionStatement |
AST node representing an expression in a statement context.
ForInLoop |
For-in or for-each-in statement.
ForLoop |
C-style for-loop statement.
FunctionCall |
AST node for a function call.
FunctionNode |
A JavaScript function declaration or expression.
GeneratorExpression |
GeneratorExpressionLoop |
IfStatement |
If-else statement.
InfixExpression |
AST node representing an infix (binary operator) expression.
Jump |
Used for code generation.
KeywordLiteral |
AST node for keyword literals: currently, this ,
null , true , false , and debugger .
Label |
AST node representing a label.
LabeledStatement |
A labeled statement.
LetNode |
AST node for let statements and expressions.
Loop |
Abstract base type for loops.
Name |
AST node for a simple name.
NewExpression |
New expression.
NumberLiteral |
AST node for a Number literal.
ObjectLiteral |
AST node for an Object literal (also called an Object initialiser in
ObjectProperty |
AST node for a single name:value entry in an Object literal.
ParenthesizedExpression |
AST node for a parenthesized expression.
ParseProblem |
Encapsulates information for a JavaScript parse error or warning.
PropertyGet |
AST node for the '.' operator.
RegExpLiteral |
AST node for a RegExp literal.
ReturnStatement |
Return statement.
Scope |
Represents a scope in the lexical scope chain.
ScriptNode |
Base type for AstRoot and FunctionNode nodes, which need to
collect much of the same information.
StringLiteral |
AST node for a single- or double-quoted string literal.
SwitchCase |
Switch-case AST node type.
SwitchStatement |
Switch statement AST node type.
Symbol |
Represents a symbol-table entry.
ThrowStatement |
Throw statement.
TryStatement |
Try/catch/finally statement.
UnaryExpression |
AST node representing unary operators such as ++ ,
~ , typeof and delete .
VariableDeclaration |
A list of one or more var, const or let declarations.
VariableInitializer |
WhileLoop |
While statement.
WithStatement |
With statement.
XmlDotQuery |
AST node representing an E4X foo.(bar) query expression.
XmlElemRef |
AST node for an E4X XML [expr] member-ref expression.
XmlExpression |
AST node for an embedded JavaScript expression within an E4X XML literal.
XmlFragment |
Abstract base type for components that comprise an XmlLiteral
XmlLiteral |
AST node for an E4X (Ecma-357) embedded XML literal.
XmlMemberGet |
AST node for E4X ".@" and ".." expressions, such as , foo..@bar , @foo.@bar , and
foo..@ns::* .
XmlPropRef |
AST node for an E4X XML [expr] property-ref expression.
XmlRef |
Base class for E4X XML attribute-access or property-get expressions.
XmlString |
AST node for an XML-text-only component of an XML literal expression.
Yield |
AST node for JavaScript 1.7 yield expression or statement.