Class LogbackServletContextListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • LogbackServletContextListener

        public LogbackServletContextListener()
    • Method Detail

      • contextInitialized

        public void contextInitialized​(ServletContextEvent sce)
        Description copied from interface: ServletContextListener
        Notification that the web application initialization process is starting. All ServletContextListeners are notified of context initialization before any filter or servlet in the web application is initialized.
        Specified by:
        contextInitialized in interface ServletContextListener
        sce - Information about the ServletContext that was initialized
      • contextDestroyed

        public void contextDestroyed​(ServletContextEvent sce)
        Description copied from interface: ServletContextListener
        Notification that the servlet context is about to be shut down. All servlets and filters have been destroy()ed before any ServletContextListeners are notified of context destruction.
        Specified by:
        contextDestroyed in interface ServletContextListener
        sce - Information about the ServletContext that was destroyed