Interface Conf

    • Method Detail

      • getItem

        ValueMap getItem​(String itemName)
        Returns configuration values for the given config item which can be a relative path. See also getItemResource(String) if you need to the resource behind the value map. If the config item has a "jcr:content" child, this will be returned as the source of the value map.

        The itemName can be a relative path and is looked up beneath the resolved configuration tree. For example, if the original resource from which this Conf object was created, points to a configuration at "/conf/adobe/ch", and an item path like "dam/presets/pdf" is requested, this will return a value map for the resource at "/conf/adobe/ch/dam/presets/pdf". Note that itemName should be a fixed name specific to the application config.

        If no configuration resource can be found, an empty map will be returned.

        itemName - a relative path to an item within a specific configuration tree
        a value map for a configuration resource; an empty map if nothing is found
      • getItemResource

        Resource getItemResource​(String itemName)
        Returns a configuration resource for the given item which can be a relative path. Use this instead of getItem(String) if you need to iterate over the child structure, for example a list of resources.

        The itemName can be a relative path and is looked up beneath the resolved configuration tree. For example, if the original resource from which this Conf object was created, points to a configuration at "/conf/adobe/ch", and an item path like "dam/presets/pdf" is requested, this will return the resource at "/conf/adobe/ch/dam/presets/pdf". Note that itemName should be a fixed name specific to the application config.

        If no configuration resource can be found, null will be returned.

        itemName - a relative path to an item within a specific configuration tree
        a configuration resource or null if not found
      • getList

        List<ValueMap> getList​(String parentItemName)
        Returns ValueMaps for a list of items beneath the given configuration item. Depending on the configuration item, this list could be automatically merged between the different applicable configurations.

        See getListResources(String) for the merge logic.

        parentItemName - a relative path to an item within a specific configuration tree
        a possibly merged list of items as ValueMaps; an empty list if nothing is found
      • getListResources

        List<Resource> getListResources​(String parentItemName)
        Returns a list of items beneath the given configuration item. This allows for cases where there is a choice of different configuration entries. Note that folders and nested structures are not supported as applications should map them to entirely separate sub-project configurations.

        If the most specific configuration parent item has ConfConstants.PN_MERGE_LIST set to true, the list will be merged with the lists for all applicable configurations. Starting with the lowest level configuration up to the most specific one, for each configuration, if the parent item is present, these rules will be applied:

        • a new item will be added to the list
        • same name item with a jcr:content child will overwrite
        • same name item without a jcr:content child will remove it from the list

        Note that for merged lists, no order is guaranteed. For fixed lists, the order of the child resources will be kept.

        parentItemName - a relative path to an item within a specific configuration tree
        a possibly merged list of items as Resources; an empty list if nothing is found