Class Scene7PresetRenditionPicker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Scene7PresetRenditionPicker
    extends Object
    implements RenditionPicker
    Rendition picker that 'picks' one according to the given S7 preset handle.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Scene7PresetRenditionPicker

        public Scene7PresetRenditionPicker​(String presetHandle)
    • Method Detail

      • getRendition

        public Rendition getRendition​(Asset asset)
        Description copied from interface: RenditionPicker
        Returns the desired rendition Rendition if existing, otherwise null.

        Implementations are free to decide which rendition is chosen when this method is called.

        The rendition shall be searched for within the given Asset.

        Example implementation:

          public Resource getRendition(Asset asset) {
              // 1. try to get a web enabled rendition
              List<Resource> renditions = asset.getRenditions();
              for (Resource rendition: renditions) {
                  if (Text.getName(rendition.getPath()).startsWith("cq5dam.web.")) {
                      return rendition;
              // 2. return current rendition
              return asset.getCurrentOriginal();
        Specified by:
        getRendition in interface RenditionPicker
        asset - The Asset within which to search the rendition.
        the desired rendition if existing, otherwise null