Interface EmailTools

  • public interface EmailTools
    Defines interface for all the tools that are supported by external mail provider. These tools are basically a mapping of a name with the corresponding HTML
    • Method Detail

      • addMapping

        void addMapping​(String toolName,
                        String toolHtml,
                        String toolText)
        This function adds a tool mapping.
        toolName - name of the tool
        toolHtml - The HTML associated with the tool.
        toolText - The text associated with the tool.
      • removeMapping

        void removeMapping​(String toolName)
        This method removes a tool mapping.
        toolName - the name of the tool.
      • getHtmlMapping

        String getHtmlMapping​(String toolName)
        This method returns a HTML mapping associated with the tool.
        toolName - name of the tool.
        The HTMl mapping with the tool.
      • getHtmlMappings

        Map<String,​String> getHtmlMappings()
        This method returns all the tool-HTMl mappings.
        a map containing tool name and HTML mapping.
      • getTextMapping

        String getTextMapping​(String toolName)
        This method returns the text mapping associated with the tool.
        toolName - the name of the tool.
        The text associated with the tool.
      • getTextMappings

        Map<String,​String> getTextMappings()
        This method returns all tool-Text mappings.
        A map containing tool name and text mapping.