Class WCMUtils

  • public class WCMUtils
    extends Object
    The CMUtils class provides utility methods for various aspects of the Core WCM system.
    • Method Detail

      • getComponent

        public static Component getComponent​(Resource resource)
        Returns the component according to the type of the resource or null if no such component exists. This is a pure convenience method retrieving the component manager and invoking ComponentManager.getComponentOfResource(Resource).
        resource - to resolve
        the respective component or null
      • getInheritedProperty

        public static String getInheritedProperty​(Page page,
                                                  ResourceResolver resolver,
                                                  String name)
        Returns the content property of the given page. If the page does not contain this property, the page's parent's property is returned or null if the page has no parent.

        Note that the standard "pageProperties" variable defined by the <cq:defineObjects/> tag is now (since CQ 5.4) an InheritanceValueMap that provides getInherited(String, Class) and getInherited(String, Object) to search for those properties in parent pages if not found locally.

        page - the page to retrieve the property from
        resolver - for resolving parent pages
        name - the property name
        the property value or null
      • getStyle

        public static Style getStyle​(SlingHttpServletRequest request)
        Returns the style for the given request. It's a convenience method that retrieves the respective page of the request resource, resolves its design, extracts the cell path and retrieves the style. A design and cell path can be specified '/-/' delimited as suffix. the design path only needs to include the part after the /etc/designs. eg: ...img.png/geometrixx/-/par/image
        request - the request
        the style or null
      • getComponentContext

        public static ComponentContext getComponentContext​(ServletRequest request)
        Returns the component context for the given request or null if not defined.
        request - servlet request
        component context or null
      • getNode

        public static Node getNode​(Resource resource)
        Returns a node for the given resource. If the node does not exist, returns null
        resource - resource to adapt to node
        the node or null
      • getKeywords

        public static String getKeywords​(Page page)
        Returns a comma-separated list of keywords for the given page, based on the titles of the tags set on the page. Useful for the <meta keywords> element in HTML.

        Since CQ 5.4, this returns localized tag titles based on the page language or the default title if no localized title exists for that language. This is essentially the same as getKeywords(page, false).

        page - wcm page
        comma-separated list of keywords
      • getKeywords

        public static String getKeywords​(Page page,
                                         boolean onlyLocalized)
        Returns a comma-separated list of keywords for the given page, based on the titles of the tags set on the page. Useful for the <meta keywords> element in HTML.

        Returns localized tag titles based on the page language. A boolean flag allows to choose if only localized titles shall be returned or if it is ok to fallback to the default title in case no localized title exists for a given tag.

        page - wcm page
        onlyLocalized - if only keywords should be returned that have a localized variant for the given page locale
        comma-separated list of keywords