Class WritableTypeId

  • public class WritableTypeId
    extends Object
    This is a simple value class used between core streaming and higher level databinding to pass information about type ids to write. Properties are exposed and mutable on purpose: they are only used for communication over serialization of a single value, and neither retained across calls nor shared between threads.

    Usual usage pattern is such that instance of this class is passed on two calls that are needed for outputting type id (and possible additional wrapping, depending on format; JSON, for example, requires wrapping as type id is part of regular data): first, a "prefix" write (which usually includes actual id), performed before value write; and then matching "suffix" write after value serialization.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  WritableTypeId.Inclusion
      Enumeration of values that matches enum `As` from annotation `JsonTypeInfo`: separate definition to avoid dependency between streaming core and annotations packages; also allows more flexibility in case new values needed at this level of internal API.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      String asProperty
      If type id is to be embedded as a regular property, name of the property; otherwise `null`.
      Object extra
      Optional additional information that generator may add during "prefix write", to be available on matching "suffix write".
      Object forValue
      Java object for which type id is being written.
      Class<?> forValueType
      (optional) Super-type of forValue to use for type id generation (if no explicit id passed): used instead of actual class of forValue in cases where we do not want to use the "real" type but something more generic, usually to work around specific problem with implementation type, or its deserializer.
      Object id
      Actual type id to use: usually {link java.lang.String}.
      WritableTypeId.Inclusion include
      Property used to indicate style of inclusion for this type id, in cases where no native type id may be used (either because format has none, like JSON; or because use of native type ids is disabled [with YAML]).
      JsonToken valueShape
      Information about intended shape of the value being written (that is, forValue); in case of structured values, start token of the structure; for scalars, value token.
      boolean wrapperWritten
      Flag that can be set to indicate that wrapper structure was written (during prefix-writing); used to determine if suffix requires matching close markers.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      WritableTypeId​(Object value, JsonToken valueShape0)
      Constructor used when calling a method for generating and writing Type Id; caller only knows value object and its intended shape.
      WritableTypeId​(Object value, JsonToken valueShape0, Object id0)
      Constructor used when calling a method for writing Type Id; caller knows value object, its intended shape as well as id to use; but not details of wrapping (if any).
      WritableTypeId​(Object value, Class<?> valueType0, JsonToken valueShape0)
      Constructor used when calling a method for generating and writing Type Id, but where actual type to use for generating id is NOT the type of value (but its supertype).
    • Field Detail

      • forValue

        public Object forValue
        Java object for which type id is being written. Not needed by default handling, but may be useful for customized format handling.
      • forValueType

        public Class<?> forValueType
        (optional) Super-type of forValue to use for type id generation (if no explicit id passed): used instead of actual class of forValue in cases where we do not want to use the "real" type but something more generic, usually to work around specific problem with implementation type, or its deserializer.
      • id

        public Object id
        Actual type id to use: usually {link java.lang.String}.
      • asProperty

        public String asProperty
        If type id is to be embedded as a regular property, name of the property; otherwise `null`.

        NOTE: if "wrap-as-Object" is used, this does NOT contain property name to use but `null`.

      • include

        public WritableTypeId.Inclusion include
        Property used to indicate style of inclusion for this type id, in cases where no native type id may be used (either because format has none, like JSON; or because use of native type ids is disabled [with YAML]).
      • wrapperWritten

        public boolean wrapperWritten
        Flag that can be set to indicate that wrapper structure was written (during prefix-writing); used to determine if suffix requires matching close markers.
      • extra

        public Object extra
        Optional additional information that generator may add during "prefix write", to be available on matching "suffix write".
    • Constructor Detail

      • WritableTypeId

        public WritableTypeId()
      • WritableTypeId

        public WritableTypeId​(Object value,
                              JsonToken valueShape0)
        Constructor used when calling a method for generating and writing Type Id; caller only knows value object and its intended shape.
      • WritableTypeId

        public WritableTypeId​(Object value,
                              Class<?> valueType0,
                              JsonToken valueShape0)
        Constructor used when calling a method for generating and writing Type Id, but where actual type to use for generating id is NOT the type of value (but its supertype).
      • WritableTypeId

        public WritableTypeId​(Object value,
                              JsonToken valueShape0,
                              Object id0)
        Constructor used when calling a method for writing Type Id; caller knows value object, its intended shape as well as id to use; but not details of wrapping (if any).