Class IMAPBodyPart

    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public int getSize()
                    throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Return the size of the content of this body part in bytes. Return -1 if the size cannot be determined.

        Note that this number may not be an exact measure of the content size and may or may not account for any transfer encoding of the content.

        This implementation returns the size of the content array (if not null), or, if contentStream is not null, and the available method returns a positive number, it returns that number as the size. Otherwise, it returns -1.

        Specified by:
        getSize in interface Part
        getSize in class MimeBodyPart
        size in bytes, or -1 if not known
        MessagingException - for failures
      • getLineCount

        public int getLineCount()
                         throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Return the number of lines for the content of this Part. Return -1 if this number cannot be determined.

        Note that this number may not be an exact measure of the content length and may or may not account for any transfer encoding of the content.

        This implementation returns -1.

        Specified by:
        getLineCount in interface Part
        getLineCount in class MimeBodyPart
        number of lines, or -1 if not known
        MessagingException - for failures
      • getContentType

        public String getContentType()
                              throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Returns the value of the RFC 822 "Content-Type" header field. This represents the content type of the content of this body part. This value must not be null. If this field is unavailable, "text/plain" should be returned.

        This implementation uses getHeader(name) to obtain the requisite header field.

        Specified by:
        getContentType in interface Part
        getContentType in class MimeBodyPart
        Content-Type of this body part
        MessagingException - for failures
        See Also:
      • getDisposition

        public String getDisposition()
                              throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Returns the disposition from the "Content-Disposition" header field. This represents the disposition of this part. The disposition describes how the part should be presented to the user.

        If the Content-Disposition field is unavailable, null is returned.

        This implementation uses getHeader(name) to obtain the requisite header field.

        Specified by:
        getDisposition in interface Part
        getDisposition in class MimeBodyPart
        disposition of this part, or null if unknown
        MessagingException - for failures
        See Also:
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
                              throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Returns the "Content-Description" header field of this body part. This typically associates some descriptive information with this part. Returns null if this field is unavailable or its value is absent.

        If the Content-Description field is encoded as per RFC 2047, it is decoded and converted into Unicode. If the decoding or conversion fails, the raw data is returned as is.

        This implementation uses getHeader(name) to obtain the requisite header field.

        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface Part
        getDescription in class MimeBodyPart
        content description
        MessagingException - for failures
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description,
                                   String charset)
                            throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Set the "Content-Description" header field for this body part. If the description parameter is null, then any existing "Content-Description" fields are removed.

        If the description contains non US-ASCII characters, it will be encoded using the specified charset. If the description contains only US-ASCII characters, no encoding is done and it is used as is.

        Note that if the charset encoding process fails, a MessagingException is thrown, and an UnsupportedEncodingException is included in the chain of nested exceptions within the MessagingException.

        setDescription in class MimeBodyPart
        description - Description
        charset - Charset for encoding
        IllegalWriteException - if the underlying implementation does not support modification
        MessagingException - otherwise; an UnsupportedEncodingException may be included in the exception chain if the charset conversion fails.
      • getFileName

        public String getFileName()
                           throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Get the filename associated with this body part.

        Returns the value of the "filename" parameter from the "Content-Disposition" header field of this body part. If its not available, returns the value of the "name" parameter from the "Content-Type" header field of this body part. Returns null if both are absent.

        If the mail.mime.decodefilename System property is set to true, the MimeUtility.decodeText method will be used to decode the filename. While such encoding is not supported by the MIME spec, many mailers use this technique to support non-ASCII characters in filenames. The default value of this property is false.

        Specified by:
        getFileName in interface Part
        getFileName in class MimeBodyPart
        MessagingException - for failures
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName​(String filename)
                         throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Set the filename associated with this body part, if possible.

        Sets the "filename" parameter of the "Content-Disposition" header field of this body part. For compatibility with older mailers, the "name" parameter of the "Content-Type" header is also set.

        If the mail.mime.encodefilename System property is set to true, the MimeUtility.encodeText method will be used to encode the filename. While such encoding is not supported by the MIME spec, many mailers use this technique to support non-ASCII characters in filenames. The default value of this property is false.

        Specified by:
        setFileName in interface Part
        setFileName in class MimeBodyPart
        filename - the file name
        IllegalWriteException - if the underlying implementation does not support modification
        MessagingException - for other failures
      • setContent

        public void setContent​(Object o,
                               String type)
                        throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        A convenience method for setting this body part's content.

        The content is wrapped in a DataHandler object. Note that a DataContentHandler class for the specified type should be available to the JavaMail implementation for this to work right. That is, to do setContent(foobar, "application/x-foobar"), a DataContentHandler for "application/x-foobar" should be installed. Refer to the Java Activation Framework for more information.

        Specified by:
        setContent in interface Part
        setContent in class MimeBodyPart
        o - the content object
        type - Mime type of the object
        IllegalWriteException - if the underlying implementation does not support modification of existing values
        MessagingException - for other failures
      • setHeader

        public void setHeader​(String name,
                              String value)
                       throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Set the value for this header_name. Replaces all existing header values with this new value. Note that RFC 822 headers must contain only US-ASCII characters, so a header that contains non US-ASCII characters must be encoded as per the rules of RFC 2047.
        Specified by:
        setHeader in interface Part
        setHeader in class MimeBodyPart
        name - header name
        value - header value
        IllegalWriteException - if the underlying implementation does not support modification of existing values
        MessagingException - for other failures
        See Also:
      • addHeader

        public void addHeader​(String name,
                              String value)
                       throws MessagingException
        Description copied from class: MimeBodyPart
        Add this value to the existing values for this header_name. Note that RFC 822 headers must contain only US-ASCII characters, so a header that contains non US-ASCII characters must be encoded as per the rules of RFC 2047.
        Specified by:
        addHeader in interface Part
        addHeader in class MimeBodyPart
        name - header name
        value - header value
        IllegalWriteException - if the underlying implementation does not support modification of existing values
        MessagingException - for other failures
        See Also: