Class PrivilegeBitsProvider

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrivilegeBitsProvider

        public PrivilegeBitsProvider​(Root root)
    • Method Detail

      • getPrivilegesTree

        public @NotNull Tree getPrivilegesTree()
        Returns the root tree for all privilege definitions stored in the content repository.
        The privileges root.
      • getBits

        public @NotNull PrivilegeBits getBits​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull String... privilegeNames)
        Returns the bits for the given privilege names.
        privilegeNames - the names
        the privilege bits representing the given privilege names.
      • getBits

        public @NotNull PrivilegeBits getBits​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull Iterable<String> privilegeNames)
        Returns the bits for the given privilege names. Note, that any invalid privilege names will be ignored.
        privilegeNames - the names
        the privilege bits representing the given privilege names.
      • getBits

        public @NotNull PrivilegeBits getBits​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull Iterable<String> privilegeNames,
                                              boolean validateNames)
                                       throws AccessControlException
        Returns the bits for the given privilege names with the option to verify that all privilege names point to a valid, registered privilege.
        privilegeNames - An iterable of privilege names.
        validateNames - If set to true this method will throw an AccessControlException if an invalid privilege name is found (i.e. one that doesn't represent a registered privilege). If set to false invalid privilege names will be ignored i.e. making this method equivalent to getBits(String...).
        the privilege bits representing the given privilege names.
        AccessControlException - If validateNames is true and the any of the specified privilege names is invalid.
      • getBits

        public @NotNull PrivilegeBits getBits​(@NotNull
                                              @NotNull Privilege[] privileges,
                                              @NotNull NameMapper nameMapper)
        Returns the bits for the given array of privileges.
        privileges - An array of privileges
        nameMapper - the name mapper
        the privilege bits representing the given array of privileges.
      • getPrivilegeNames

        public @NotNull Set<String> getPrivilegeNames​(@Nullable
                                                      @Nullable PrivilegeBits privilegeBits)
        Resolve the given privilege bits to the corresponding set of privilege names.
        privilegeBits - An instance of privilege bits.
        The names of the registered privileges associated with the given bits. Any bits that don't have a corresponding privilege definition will be ignored.
      • getAggregatedPrivilegeNames

        public @NotNull Iterable<String> getAggregatedPrivilegeNames​(@NotNull
                                                                     @NotNull String... privilegeNames)
        Return the names of the non-aggregate privilege names corresponding to the specified privilegeNames.
        privilegeNames - The privilege names to be converted.
        The names of the non-aggregate privileges that correspond to the given privilegeNames.