Interface ScriptCache

  • public interface ScriptCache
    The ScriptCache service interface defines a cache for compiled scripts. Implementations of this interface should be thread-safe.
    • Method Detail

      • getScript

        CachedScript getScript​(String scriptPath)
        Retrieves the CachedScript corresponding to the script accessible from the scriptPath.
        scriptPath - the path from where the script can be accessed
        the CachedScript if one exists, null otherwise
      • putScript

        void putScript​(CachedScript script)
        Stores a CachedScript in the cache. If a previous version of it exist in the cache it is overridden.
        script - the CachedScript that should be stored in the cache
      • clear

        void clear()
        Empties the cache.
      • removeScript

        boolean removeScript​(String scriptPath)
        Removes the script identified by scriptPath from the cache.
        scriptPath - the path from where the script can be accessed
        true if a script was cached from that path and was removed, false otherwise