Class BundleSupport

    • Constructor Detail

      • BundleSupport

        public BundleSupport()
    • Method Detail

      • getPrefix

        public String getPrefix()
      • getLocalizationContext

        public static LocalizationContext getLocalizationContext​(PageContext pc)
        Gets the default I18N localization context.
        pc - Page in which to look up the default I18N localization context
      • getLocalizationContext

        public static LocalizationContext getLocalizationContext​(PageContext pc,
                                                                 String basename)
        Gets the resource bundle with the given base name, whose locale is determined as follows:

        Check if a match exists between the ordered set of preferred locales and the available locales, for the given base name. The set of preferred locales consists of a single locale (if the javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.locale configuration setting is present) or is equal to the client's preferred locales determined from the client's browser settings.

        If no match was found in the previous step, check if a match exists between the fallback locale (given by the javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.fallbackLocale configuration setting) and the available locales, for the given base name.

        pc - Page in which the resource bundle with the given base name is requested
        basename - Resource bundle base name
        Localization context containing the resource bundle with the given base name and the locale that led to the resource bundle match, or the empty localization context if no resource bundle match was found