Class DDataPattern

    • Constructor Detail

      • DDataPattern

        public DDataPattern()
    • Method Detail

      • getDatatypeLibrary

        public String getDatatypeLibrary()
        Gets the datatype library URI.
        Can be empty (which represents the built-in datatypes), but never null.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Gets the datatype name, such as "int" or "token".
        never null.
      • getParams

        public List<DDataPattern.Param> getParams()
        Gets the parameters of this <data pattern.
        can be empty but never null.
      • getExcept

        public DPattern getExcept()
        Gets the pattern that reprsents the <except> child of this data pattern.
        null if not exist.
      • isNullable

        public boolean isNullable()
        Description copied from class: DPattern
        Returns true if this pattern is nullable. A nullable pattern is a pattern that can match the empty sequence.
        Specified by:
        isNullable in class DPattern