Interface DebugFrame

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DebugFrame
    Interface to implement if the application is interested in receiving debug information during execution of a particular script or function.
    • Method Detail

      • onEnter

        void onEnter​(Context cx,
                     Scriptable activation,
                     Scriptable thisObj,
                     Object[] args)
        Called when execution is ready to start bytecode interpretation for entered a particular function or script.
        cx - current Context for this thread
        activation - the activation scope for the function or script.
        thisObj - value of the JavaScript this object
        args - the array of arguments
      • onLineChange

        void onLineChange​(Context cx,
                          int lineNumber)
        Called when executed code reaches new line in the source.
        cx - current Context for this thread
        lineNumber - current line number in the script source
      • onExceptionThrown

        void onExceptionThrown​(Context cx,
                               Throwable ex)
        Called when thrown exception is handled by the function or script.
        cx - current Context for this thread
        ex - exception object
      • onExit

        void onExit​(Context cx,
                    boolean byThrow,
                    Object resultOrException)
        Called when the function or script for this frame is about to return.
        cx - current Context for this thread
        byThrow - if true function will leave by throwing exception, otherwise it will execute normal return
        resultOrException - function result in case of normal return or exception object if about to throw exception
      • onDebuggerStatement

        void onDebuggerStatement​(Context cx)
        Called when the function or script executes a 'debugger' statement.
        cx - current Context for this thread