Class WorkflowUtil

  • public abstract class WorkflowUtil
    extends Object
    The WorkflowUtil class ...
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkflowUtil

        public WorkflowUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkflowJobs

        public static Collection<Job> getWorkflowJobs​(JobManager jobManager,
                                                      WorkflowSession wfSession)
        Returns a collection of jobs for active workflow instances.
        jobManager - used to query for sling jobs on workflow topics
        wfSession - used to retrieve the workflow models
        a collection of jobs for active workflow instances.
      • isStaleWorkflow

        public static boolean isStaleWorkflow​(Workflow workflow,
                                              Collection<Job> wfJobs)
        No longer useful (stale workflows don't occur enymore). Always return false. Can't be removed as it is a documented API.
        Checks if the job specified by the provided workflow instance exists in the collection of sling jobs.
        workflow - to check for associate sling jobs, if any
        wfJobs - list of existing sling jobs in the system
        false if the workflow specifies a job but the job was not found, true otherwise.
      • getAuthorizableFromLastStep

        public static String getAuthorizableFromLastStep​(WorkflowSession session,
                                                         Workflow workflow,
                                                         String nodeId)
                                                  throws WorkflowException
        This method returns the userId of the user who completed the previous step.
        session - workflow session
        workflow - workflow instance
        nodeId - node id of workflow node in question
        user id as string or null if no user could be matched