Class HashCodes

  • @Beta
    public final class HashCodes
    extends Object
    Use the duplicated methods in HashCode instead. This class is scheduled to be removed in Guava 16.0.
    Static factories for creating HashCode instances; most users should never have to use this. All returned instances are Serializable.
    • Method Detail

      • fromInt

        public static HashCode fromInt​(int hash)
        Use HashCode.fromInt(int) instead. This method is scheduled to be removed in Guava 16.0.
        Creates a 32-bit HashCode, of which the bytes will form the passed int, interpreted in little endian order.
      • fromLong

        public static HashCode fromLong​(long hash)
        Use HashCode.fromLong(long) instead. This method is scheduled to be removed in Guava 16.0.
        Creates a 64-bit HashCode, of which the bytes will form the passed long, interpreted in little endian order.
      • fromBytes

        public static HashCode fromBytes​(byte[] bytes)
        Use HashCode.fromBytes(byte[]) instead. This method is scheduled to be removed in Guava 16.0.
        Creates a HashCode from a byte array. The array is defensively copied to preserve the immutability contract of HashCode. The array cannot be empty.