Class AbstractIdleService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class AbstractIdleService
    extends Object
    implements Service
    Base class for services that do not need a thread while "running" but may need one during startup and shutdown. Subclasses can implement startUp() and shutDown() methods, each which run in a executor which by default uses a separate thread for each method.
    • Method Detail

      • startAndWait

        public final Service.State startAndWait()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Initiates service startup (if necessary), returning once the service has finished starting. Unlike calling start().get(), this method throws no checked exceptions, and it cannot be interrupted.
        Specified by:
        startAndWait in interface Service
        the state of the service when startup finished.
      • isRunning

        public final boolean isRunning()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Returns true if this service is running.
        Specified by:
        isRunning in interface Service
      • state

        public final Service.State state()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Returns the lifecycle state of the service.
        Specified by:
        state in interface Service
      • stop

        public final ListenableFuture<Service.State> stop()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        If the service is starting or running, this initiates service shutdown and returns immediately. If the service is new, it is terminated without having been started nor stopped. If the service has already been stopped, this method returns immediately without taking action.
        Specified by:
        stop in interface Service
        a future for the shutdown result, regardless of whether this call initiated shutdown. Calling Future.get() will block until the service has finished shutting down, and either returns Service.State.TERMINATED or throws an ExecutionException. If it has already finished stopping, Future.get() returns immediately. Cancelling this future has no effect on the service.
      • stopAndWait

        public final Service.State stopAndWait()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Initiates service shutdown (if necessary), returning once the service has finished stopping. If this is Service.State.STARTING, startup will be cancelled. If this is Service.State.NEW, it is terminated without having been started nor stopped. Unlike calling stop().get(), this method throws no checked exceptions.
        Specified by:
        stopAndWait in interface Service
        the state of the service when shutdown finished.
      • addListener

        public final void addListener​(Service.Listener listener,
                                      Executor executor)
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Registers a Service.Listener to be executed on the given executor. The listener will have the corresponding transition method called whenever the service changes state. The listener will not have previous state changes replayed, so it is suggested that listeners are added before the service starts.

        There is no guaranteed ordering of execution of listeners, but any listener added through this method is guaranteed to be called whenever there is a state change.

        Exceptions thrown by a listener will be propagated up to the executor. Any exception thrown during Executor.execute (e.g., a RejectedExecutionException or an exception thrown by inline execution) will be caught and logged.

        Specified by:
        addListener in interface Service
        listener - the listener to run when the service changes state is complete
        executor - the executor in which the listeners callback methods will be run. For fast, lightweight listeners that would be safe to execute in any thread, consider MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor().
      • startAsync

        public final Service startAsync()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        If the service state is Service.State.NEW, this initiates service startup and returns immediately. A stopped service may not be restarted.
        Specified by:
        startAsync in interface Service
      • stopAsync

        public final Service stopAsync()
        Description copied from interface: Service
        If the service is starting or running, this initiates service shutdown and returns immediately. If the service is new, it is terminated without having been started nor stopped. If the service has already been stopped, this method returns immediately without taking action.
        Specified by:
        stopAsync in interface Service
      • awaitRunning

        public final void awaitRunning​(long timeout,
                                       TimeUnit unit)
                                throws TimeoutException
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Waits for the Service to reach the running state for no more than the given time.
        Specified by:
        awaitRunning in interface Service
        timeout - the maximum time to wait
        unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
        TimeoutException - if the service has not reached the given state within the deadline
      • awaitTerminated

        public final void awaitTerminated​(long timeout,
                                          TimeUnit unit)
                                   throws TimeoutException
        Description copied from interface: Service
        Waits for the Service to reach a terminal state (either terminated or failed) for no more than the given time.
        Specified by:
        awaitTerminated in interface Service
        timeout - the maximum time to wait
        unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
        TimeoutException - if the service has not reached the given state within the deadline