Class Bidi

  • @Deprecated(since="2021-07-29")
    public class Bidi
    extends Object
    This API is deprecated as Apache Abdera is a retired project since 2017.
    Bidi guessing algorithms
    • Constructor Detail

      • Bidi

        public Bidi()
    • Method Detail

      • guessDirectionFromLanguage

        public static Bidi.Direction guessDirectionFromLanguage​(Lang lang)
        Algorithm that will determine text direction by looking at the characteristics of the language tag. If the tag uses a language or script that is known to be RTL, then Direction.RTL will be returned
      • guessDirectionFromEncoding

        public static Bidi.Direction guessDirectionFromEncoding​(String charset)
        Algorithm that will determine text direction by looking at the character set encoding. If the charset is typically used for RTL languages, Direction.RTL will be returned
      • guessDirectionFromTextProperties

        public static Bidi.Direction guessDirectionFromTextProperties​(String text)
        Algorithm that analyzes properties of the text to determine text direction. If the majority of characters in the text are RTL characters, then Direction.RTL will be returned.
      • guessDirectionFromJavaBidi

        public static Bidi.Direction guessDirectionFromJavaBidi​(String text)
        Algorithm that defers to the Java Bidi implementation to determine text direction.