Class HttpState

    • Field Detail


        public static final String PREEMPTIVE_PROPERTY
        This field and feature will be removed following HttpClient 3.0.
        The boolean system property name to turn on preemptive authentication.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpState

        public HttpState()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • addCookie

        public void addCookie​(Cookie cookie)
        Adds an HTTP cookie, replacing any existing equivalent cookies. If the given cookie has already expired it will not be added, but existing values will still be removed.
        cookie - the cookie to be added
        See Also:
      • addCookies

        public void addCookies​(Cookie[] cookies)
        Adds an array of HTTP cookies. Cookies are added individually and in the given array order. If any of the given cookies has already expired it will not be added, but existing values will still be removed.
        cookies - the cookies to be added
        See Also:
      • getCookies

        public Cookie[] getCookies​(String domain,
                                   int port,
                                   String path,
                                   boolean secure)
        use CookieSpec#match(String, int, String, boolean, Cookie)
        Returns an array of cookies in this HTTP state that match the given request parameters.
        domain - the request domain
        port - the request port
        path - the request path
        secure - true when using HTTPS
        an array of cookies.
        See Also:
      • purgeExpiredCookies

        public boolean purgeExpiredCookies()
        Removes all of cookies in this HTTP state that have expired according to the current system time.
        See Also:
      • setCredentials

        public void setCredentials​(String realm,
                                   String host,
                                   Credentials credentials)
        use #setCredentials(AuthScope, Credentials)
        Sets the credentials for the given authentication realm on the given host. The null realm signifies default credentials for the given host, which should be used when no credentials have been explictly supplied for the challenging realm. The null host signifies default credentials, which should be used when no credentials have been explictly supplied for the challenging host. Any previous credentials for the given realm on the given host will be overwritten.
        realm - the authentication realm
        host - the host the realm belongs to
        credentials - the authentication credentials for the given realm.
        See Also:
        getCredentials(String, String), setProxyCredentials(String, String, Credentials)
      • getCredentials

        public Credentials getCredentials​(String realm,
                                          String host)
        use #getCredentials(AuthScope)
        Get the credentials for the given authentication scope on the given host. If the realm exists on host, return the coresponding credentials. If the host exists with a null realm, return the corresponding credentials. If the realm exists with a null host, return the corresponding credentials. If the realm does not exist, return the default Credentials. If there are no default credentials, return null.
        realm - the authentication realm
        host - the host the realm is on
        the credentials
        See Also:
        setCredentials(String, String, Credentials)
      • setProxyCredentials

        public void setProxyCredentials​(String realm,
                                        String proxyHost,
                                        Credentials credentials)
        use #setProxyCredentials(AuthScope, Credentials)
        Sets the credentials for the given proxy authentication realm on the given proxy host. The null proxy realm signifies default credentials for the given proxy host, which should be used when no credentials have been explictly supplied for the challenging proxy realm. The null proxy host signifies default credentials, which should be used when no credentials have been explictly supplied for the challenging proxy host. Any previous credentials for the given proxy realm on the given proxy host will be overwritten.
        realm - the authentication realm
        proxyHost - the proxy host
        credentials - the authentication credentials for the given realm
        See Also:
        getProxyCredentials(AuthScope), setCredentials(AuthScope, Credentials)
      • getProxyCredentials

        public Credentials getProxyCredentials​(String realm,
                                               String proxyHost)
        use #getProxyCredentials(AuthScope)
        Get the credentials for the proxy host with the given authentication scope. If the realm exists on host, return the coresponding credentials. If the host exists with a null realm, return the corresponding credentials. If the realm exists with a null host, return the corresponding credentials. If the realm does not exist, return the default Credentials. If there are no default credentials, return null.
        realm - the authentication realm
        proxyHost - the proxy host the realm is on
        the credentials
        See Also:
        setProxyCredentials(String, String, Credentials)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this HTTP state.
        toString in class Object
        The string representation of the HTTP state.
        See Also:
      • clearCredentials

        public void clearCredentials()
        Clears all credentials.
      • clearProxyCredentials

        public void clearProxyCredentials()
        Clears all proxy credentials.
      • clearCookies

        public void clearCookies()
        Clears all cookies.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the state information (all cookies, credentials and proxy credentials).