Class DefaultMetaTypeProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultMetaTypeProvider
    extends Object
    implements MetaTypeProvider
    The Apache Felix metatype API is deprecated, please use the OSGi metatype API instead.
    The DefaultMetaTypeProvider class is an implementation of the MetaTypeProvider interface which is configured for a given bundle using a MetaData object.

    This class may be used by clients, e.g. ManagedService or ManagedServiceFactory implementations to easily also implement the MetaTypeProvider interface.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultMetaTypeProvider

        public DefaultMetaTypeProvider​(Bundle bundle,
                                       MetaData metadata)
    • Method Detail

      • getBundle

        public Bundle getBundle()
        Returns the Bundle to which this instance belongs.
      • getLocales

        public String[] getLocales()
        Description copied from interface: MetaTypeProvider
        Return a list of available locales. The results must be names that consists of language [ _ country [ _ variation ]] as is customary in the Locale class.
        Specified by:
        getLocales in interface MetaTypeProvider
        An array of locale strings or null if there is no locale specific localization can be found.
      • getObjectClassDefinition

        public ObjectClassDefinition getObjectClassDefinition​(String id,
                                                              String locale)
        Description copied from interface: MetaTypeProvider
        Returns an object class definition for the specified id localized to the specified locale.

        The locale parameter must be a name that consists of language[ "_" country[ "_" variation] ] as is customary in the Locale class. This Locale class is not used because certain profiles do not contain it.

        Specified by:
        getObjectClassDefinition in interface MetaTypeProvider
        id - The ID of the requested object class. This can be a pid or factory pid returned by getPids or getFactoryPids.
        locale - The locale of the definition or null for default locale.
        A ObjectClassDefinition object.