Class IdentifierManager

  • public class IdentifierManager
    extends Object
    TODO document
    • Constructor Detail

      • IdentifierManager

        public IdentifierManager​(Root root)
    • Method Detail

      • getIdentifier

        public static @NotNull String getIdentifier​(Tree tree)
        Return the identifier of a tree.
        tree - a tree
        identifier of tree
      • getTree

        public @Nullable Tree getTree​(String identifier)
        The possibly non existing tree identified by the specified identifier or null.
        identifier - The identifier of the tree such as exposed by getIdentifier(Tree)
        The tree with the given identifier or null if no such tree exists.
      • getPath

        public @Nullable String getPath​(String identifier)
        The path of the tree identified by the specified identifier or null.
        identifier - The identifier of the tree such as exposed by getIdentifier(Tree)
        The path of the tree with the given identifier or null if no such tree exists or if the tree is not accessible.
      • getPath

        public @Nullable String getPath​(PropertyState referenceValue)
        Returns the path of the tree references by the specified (weak) reference PropertyState.
        referenceValue - A (weak) reference value.
        The tree with the given identifier or null if no such tree exists or isn't accessible to the content session.
      • getPath

        public @Nullable String getPath​(PropertyValue referenceValue)
        Returns the path of the tree references by the specified (weak) reference PropertyState.
        referenceValue - A (weak) reference value.
        The tree with the given identifier or null if no such tree exists or isn't accessible to the content session.
      • getReferences

        public @NotNull Iterable<String> getReferences​(boolean weak,
                                                       @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                       @Nullable String propertyName)
        Searches all reference properties to the specified tree that match the given name and node type constraints.
        weak - if true only weak references are returned. Otherwise only hard references are returned.
        tree - The tree for which references should be searched.
        propertyName - A name constraint for the reference properties; null if no constraint should be enforced.
        A set of oak paths of those reference properties referring to the specified tree and matching the constraints.
      • getReferences

        public @NotNull Iterable<String> getReferences​(@NotNull
                                                       @NotNull Tree tree,
                                                       @NotNull String propertyName,
                                                       @NotNull String ntName,
                                                       boolean weak)
        Searches all reference properties to the specified tree that match the given propertyName and the specified, mandatory node type constraint (ntName). In contrast to getReferences(boolean, org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Tree, java.lang.String) this method requires all parameters to be specified, which eases the handling of the result set and doesn't require the trees associated with the result set to be resolved.
        tree - The tree for which references should be searched.
        propertyName - The name of the reference properties.
        ntName - The node type name to be used for the query.
        weak - if true only weak references are returned. Otherwise on hard references are returned.
        A set of oak paths of those reference properties referring to the specified tree and matching the constraints.
      • resolveUUID

        public @Nullable String resolveUUID​(String uuid)