Class HSLFMasterSheet

    • Constructor Detail

      • HSLFMasterSheet

        public HSLFMasterSheet​(SheetContainer container,
                               int sheetNo)
    • Method Detail

      • getPropCollection

        public abstract TextPropCollection getPropCollection​(int txtype,
                                                             int level,
                                                             String name,
                                                             boolean isCharacter)
        Find the master collection for the given txtype/level/name. This is the "workhorse" which returns the default style attributes. If name = "*" return the current collection, otherwise if the name is not found in the current selection of txtype/level/name, first try lower levels then try parent types, if it wasn't found there return null.
        txtype - the TextHeaderAtom type
        level - the indent level of the paragraph, if the level is not defined for the found collection, the highest existing level will be used
        name - the property name,
        isCharacter - if true use character styles, otherwise use paragraph styles
      • isPlaceholder

        public static boolean isPlaceholder​(HSLFShape shape)
        Checks if the shape is a placeholder. (placeholders aren't normal shapes, they are visible only in the Edit Master mode)
        true if the shape is a placeholder