Class ListLevel

  • @Internal
    public final class ListLevel
    extends Object
    "The LVL structure contains formatting information about a specific level in a list. When a paragraph is formatted as part of this level, each placeholder in xst is replaced with the inherited level number of the most recent or current paragraph in the same list that is in the zero-based level specified by that placeholder. The level number that replaces a placeholder is formatted according to the lvlf.nfc of the LVL structure that corresponds to the level that the placeholder specifies, unless the lvlf.fLegal of this LVL structure is nonzero." -- Page 388 of 621 -- [MS-DOC] -- v20110315 Word (.doc) Binary File Format
    • Constructor Detail

      • ListLevel

        public ListLevel​(byte[] buf,
                         int startOffset)
      • ListLevel

        public ListLevel​(int level,
                         boolean numbered)
      • ListLevel

        public ListLevel​(int startAt,
                         int numberFormatCode,
                         int alignment,
                         byte[] numberProperties,
                         byte[] entryProperties,
                         String numberText)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getAlignment

        public int getAlignment()
        "Alignment (left, right, or centered) of the paragraph number."
      • getGrpprlChpx

        public byte[] getGrpprlChpx()
      • getGrpprlPapx

        public byte[] getGrpprlPapx()
      • getLevelProperties

        public byte[] getLevelProperties()
      • getNumberFormat

        public int getNumberFormat()
        "Number format code (see anld.nfc for a list of options)"
      • getNumberText

        public String getNumberText()
      • getSizeInBytes

        public int getSizeInBytes()
      • getStartAt

        public int getStartAt()
      • getTypeOfCharFollowingTheNumber

        public byte getTypeOfCharFollowingTheNumber()
        "The type of character following the number text for the paragraph: 0 == tab, 1 == space, 2 == nothing."
      • getRestart

        public short getRestart()
        An unsigned integer that specifies the first (most-significant) zero-based level after which the number sequence of this level does not restart. The number sequence of this level does restart after any level that is more significant than the specified level. This MUST be less than or equal to the zero-based level of the list to which this LVLF corresponds.

        see [MS-DOC], v20140721, 2.9.150

        the first (0 is the most significant) level after which the numbering does not restart or -1 if no restart is applicable
      • isLegalNumbering

        public boolean isLegalNumbering()
        Determines if the number formatting shall be overridden by msonfcArabic; unless it originally was msonfcArabicLZ in which case it is preserved.

        see [MS-DOC], v20140721, 2.9.150 and [MS-OSHARED], v20140721,

        true if the level numbering of this and all more significant levels must be overridden; false otherwise
      • getLevelNumberingPlaceholderOffsets

        public byte[] getLevelNumberingPlaceholderOffsets()
        Array which specifies the character offsets of the level numbers in a level numbering string.

        see [MS-DOC], v20140721, 2.9.150

        0-terminated array, unless it is full
      • setAlignment

        public void setAlignment​(int alignment)
      • setLevelProperties

        public void setLevelProperties​(byte[] grpprl)
      • setNumberFormat

        public void setNumberFormat​(int numberFormatCode)
      • setNumberProperties

        public void setNumberProperties​(byte[] grpprl)
      • setStartAt

        public void setStartAt​(int startAt)
      • setTypeOfCharFollowingTheNumber

        public void setTypeOfCharFollowingTheNumber​(byte value)
      • toByteArray

        public byte[] toByteArray()