Class XSSFHyperlink

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Hyperlink, Hyperlink

    public class XSSFHyperlink
    extends Object
    implements Hyperlink
    XSSF Implementation of a Hyperlink. Note - unlike with HSSF, many kinds of hyperlink are largely stored as relations of the sheet
    • Method Detail

      • getCTHyperlink

        public CTHyperlink getCTHyperlink()
        the underlying CTHyperlink object
      • needsRelationToo

        public boolean needsRelationToo()
        Do we need to a relation too, to represent this hyperlink?
      • getCellRef

        public String getCellRef()
        Get the reference of the cell this applies to, es A55
      • getAddress

        public String getAddress()
        Hyperlink address. Depending on the hyperlink type it can be URL, e-mail, path to a file. The is the hyperlink target.
        Specified by:
        getAddress in interface Hyperlink
        the address of this hyperlink
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Return text label for this hyperlink
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface Hyperlink
        text to display
      • getLocation

        public String getLocation()
        Location within target. If target is a workbook (or this workbook) this shall refer to a sheet and cell or a defined name. Can also be an HTML anchor if target is HTML file.
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(String label)
        Sets text label for this hyperlink
        Specified by:
        setLabel in interface Hyperlink
        label - text label for this hyperlink
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(String location)
        Location within target. If target is a workbook (or this workbook) this shall refer to a sheet and cell or a defined name. Can also be an HTML anchor if target is HTML file.
        location - - string representing a location of this hyperlink
      • setAddress

        public void setAddress​(String address)
        Hyperlink address. Depending on the hyperlink type it can be URL, e-mail, path to a file This is the hyperlink target.
        Specified by:
        setAddress in interface Hyperlink
        address - - the address of this hyperlink
      • setCellReference

        public void setCellReference​(String ref)
        Assigns this hyperlink to the given cell reference
      • getFirstColumn

        public int getFirstColumn()
        Return the column of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
        Specified by:
        getFirstColumn in interface Hyperlink
        the 0-based column of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
      • getLastColumn

        public int getLastColumn()
        Return the column of the last cell that contains the hyperlink
        Specified by:
        getLastColumn in interface Hyperlink
        the 0-based column of the last cell that contains the hyperlink
      • getFirstRow

        public int getFirstRow()
        Return the row of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
        Specified by:
        getFirstRow in interface Hyperlink
        the 0-based row of the cell that contains the hyperlink
      • getLastRow

        public int getLastRow()
        Return the row of the last cell that contains the hyperlink
        Specified by:
        getLastRow in interface Hyperlink
        the 0-based row of the last cell that contains the hyperlink
      • setFirstColumn

        public void setFirstColumn​(int col)
        Set the column of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
        Specified by:
        setFirstColumn in interface Hyperlink
        col - the 0-based column of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
      • setLastColumn

        public void setLastColumn​(int col)
        Set the column of the last cell that contains the hyperlink. For XSSF, a Hyperlink may only reference one cell
        Specified by:
        setLastColumn in interface Hyperlink
        col - the 0-based column of the last cell that contains the hyperlink
      • setFirstRow

        public void setFirstRow​(int row)
        Set the row of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
        Specified by:
        setFirstRow in interface Hyperlink
        row - the 0-based row of the first cell that contains the hyperlink
      • setLastRow

        public void setLastRow​(int row)
        Set the row of the last cell that contains the hyperlink. For XSSF, a Hyperlink may only reference one cell
        Specified by:
        setLastRow in interface Hyperlink
        row - the 0-based row of the last cell that contains the hyperlink
      • getTooltip

        public String getTooltip()
        additional text to help the user understand more about the hyperlink
      • setTooltip

        public void setTooltip​(String text)
        text - additional text to help the user understand more about the hyperlink