Class HealthCheckFilter

  • @Deprecated
    public class HealthCheckFilter
    extends Object
    Select from available HealthCheck services. Once this filter object and the returned health check services are no longer be used dispose() should be called, to free the service references. This class is not thread safe and instances shouldn't be used concurrently from different threads.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HealthCheckFilter

        public HealthCheckFilter​(BundleContext bc)
        Create a new filter object
    • Method Detail

      • getTaggedHealthChecks

        public List<HealthCheck> getTaggedHealthChecks​(String... tags)
        use getHealthChecks() instead
        Get all health check services with one of the supplied tags.
        A list of services - might be the empty list if none matches
      • getTaggedHealthCheckServiceReferences

        public ServiceReference[] getTaggedHealthCheckServiceReferences​(String... tags)
        use getHealthCheckServiceReferences() instead
        Get all service references for health check services with one of the supplied tags. Uses logical "and" to combine tags.
        An array of service references - might be an empty error if none matches
      • getTaggedHealthCheckServiceReferences

        public ServiceReference[] getTaggedHealthCheckServiceReferences​(boolean combineWithOr,
                                                                        String... tags)
        use getHealthCheckServiceReferences() instead
        Get all service references for health check services with one of the supplied tags.
        combineWithOr - If true will return all health checks that have at least one of the tags set. If false will return only health checks that have all given tags assigned.
        tags - the tags to look for
        An array of service references - might be an empty error if none matches
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Dispose all used service references