Interface TenantManagerHook

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface TenantManagerHook
    This is a service interface to customize tenant setup and administration. Tools can hook into the tenant creation, changing a tenant and removing thereof by implementing this interface.
    • Method Detail

      • setup

        Map<String,​Object> setup​(Tenant tenant)
        Method called to create the given tenant. The method may return additional properties to be added to the Tenant's property list.

        This method is not expected to throw an exception. Any exception thrown is logged but otherwise ignored.

        tenant - The Tenant to be configured by this call
        Additional properties to be added to the tenant. These properties may later be accessed through the tenant's property accessor methods. null or an empty map may be returned to not add properties.
      • change

        Map<String,​Object> change​(Tenant tenant)
        Method called to update the given tenant. The method may return additional properties to be added to the Tenant's property list.

        This method is not expected to throw an exception. Any exception thrown is logged but otherwise ignored.

        tenant - The Tenant to be configured by this call
        Additional properties to be added to the tenant. These properties may later be accessed through the tenant's property accessor methods. null or an empty map may be returned to not add properties.
      • remove

        void remove​(Tenant tenant)
        Called to remove the setup for the given Tenant. This reverts all changes done by the #setup method.

        This method is not expected to throw an exception. Any exception thrown is logged but otherwise ignored.

        tenant - The Tenant about to be removed