Class CodeGenUtil

  • public class CodeGenUtil
    extends Object
    • Field Detail


        public static String DEFAULT_MEM_START

        public static String DEFAULT_MEM_MAX

        public static String DEFAULT_COMPILER

        public static String DEFAULT_JAR
    • Constructor Detail

      • CodeGenUtil

        public CodeGenUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        public static URI resolve​(URI base,
                                  URI child)
      • externalCompile

        public static boolean externalCompile​(List srcFiles,
                                              File outdir,
                                              File[] cp,
                                              boolean debug)
        Invokes javac on the generated source files in order to turn them into binary files in the output directory. This will return a list of GenFiles for all of the classes produced or null if an error occurred.
      • externalCompile

        public static boolean externalCompile​(List srcFiles,
                                              File outdir,
                                              File[] cp,
                                              boolean debug,
                                              String javacPath,
                                              String memStart,
                                              String memMax,
                                              boolean quiet,
                                              boolean verbose)
      • externalCompile

        public static boolean externalCompile​(List srcFiles,
                                              File outdir,
                                              File[] cp,
                                              boolean debug,
                                              String javacPath,
                                              String genver,
                                              String memStart,
                                              String memMax,
                                              boolean quiet,
                                              boolean verbose)
        Invokes javac on the generated source files in order to turn them into binary files in the output directory. This will return a list of GenFiles for all of the classes produced or null if an error occurred.
      • systemClasspath

        public static File[] systemClasspath()
      • externalJar

        public static boolean externalJar​(File srcdir,
                                          File outfile)
        Use org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.JarHelper instead.
      • externalJar

        public static boolean externalJar​(File srcdir,
                                          File outfile,
                                          String jarPath,
                                          boolean quiet,
                                          boolean verbose)
        Use org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.JarHelper instead.