Class WrapFactory

  • public class WrapFactory
    extends Object
    Embeddings that wish to provide their own custom wrappings for Java objects may extend this class and call Context.setWrapFactory(WrapFactory) Once an instance of this class or an extension of this class is enabled for a given context (by calling setWrapFactory on that context), Rhino will call the methods of this class whenever it needs to wrap a value resulting from a call to a Java method or an access to a Java field.
    1.5 Release 4
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • WrapFactory

        public WrapFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • wrap

        public Object wrap​(Context cx,
                           Scriptable scope,
                           Object obj,
                           Class<?> staticType)
        Wrap the object.

        The value returned must be one of

        • java.lang.Boolean
        • java.lang.String
        • java.lang.Number
        • org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable objects
        • The value returned by Context.getUndefinedValue()
        • null
        cx - the current Context for this thread
        scope - the scope of the executing script
        obj - the object to be wrapped. Note it can be null.
        staticType - type hint. If security restrictions prevent to wrap object based on its class, staticType will be used instead.
        the wrapped value.
      • wrapNewObject

        public Scriptable wrapNewObject​(Context cx,
                                        Scriptable scope,
                                        Object obj)
        Wrap an object newly created by a constructor call.
        cx - the current Context for this thread
        scope - the scope of the executing script
        obj - the object to be wrapped
        the wrapped value.
      • wrapAsJavaObject

        public Scriptable wrapAsJavaObject​(Context cx,
                                           Scriptable scope,
                                           Object javaObject,
                                           Class<?> staticType)
        Wrap Java object as Scriptable instance to allow full access to its methods and fields from JavaScript.

        wrap(Context, Scriptable, Object, Class) and wrapNewObject(Context, Scriptable, Object) call this method when they can not convert javaObject to JavaScript primitive value or JavaScript array.

        Subclasses can override the method to provide custom wrappers for Java objects.

        cx - the current Context for this thread
        scope - the scope of the executing script
        javaObject - the object to be wrapped
        staticType - type hint. If security restrictions prevent to wrap object based on its class, staticType will be used instead.
        the wrapped value which shall not be null
      • wrapJavaClass

        public Scriptable wrapJavaClass​(Context cx,
                                        Scriptable scope,
                                        Class<?> javaClass)
        Wrap a Java class as Scriptable instance to allow access to its static members and fields and use as constructor from JavaScript.

        Subclasses can override this method to provide custom wrappers for Java classes.

        cx - the current Context for this thread
        scope - the scope of the executing script
        javaClass - the class to be wrapped
        the wrapped value which shall not be null
      • isJavaPrimitiveWrap

        public final boolean isJavaPrimitiveWrap()
        Return false if result of Java method, which is instance of String, Number, Boolean and Character, should be used directly as JavaScript primitive type. By default the method returns true to indicate that instances of String, Number, Boolean and Character should be wrapped as any other Java object and scripts can access any Java method available in these objects. Use setJavaPrimitiveWrap(boolean) to change this.
      • setJavaPrimitiveWrap

        public final void setJavaPrimitiveWrap​(boolean value)
        See Also: