Class Navigation.Element

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Navigation.Element
    extends Object
    Navigation element.
    • Method Detail

      • getPage

        public Page getPage()
        Returns the underlying page.
        the underlying page.
      • isOnTrail

        public boolean isOnTrail()
        Checks if this element is on the trail. i.e. if the underlying page is the same or an ancestor of any degree of the current page, passed in the constructor of the navigation object.
        true if this element is on the trail.
      • isCurrent

        public boolean isCurrent()
        Checks if this element is the current one. i.e. if the underlying page is the same as current one, passed in the constructor of the navigation object.
        true if this element is the current one.
      • isFirst

        public boolean isFirst()
        Checks if this element is the first of it's siblings.
        true if this element is the first of it's siblings.
      • isLast

        public boolean isLast()
        Checks if this element is the last of it's siblings.
        true if this element is the last of it's siblings.