Interface NonBlockingInputFeeder

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    ByteArrayFeeder, ByteBufferFeeder
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface NonBlockingInputFeeder
    Interface used by non-blocking JsonParser implementations to feed input to parse. Feeder is used by entity that feeds content to parse; at any given point only one chunk of content can be processed so caller has to take care to only feed more content when existing content has been parsed (which occurs when parser's nextToken is called). Once application using non-blocking parser has no more data to feed it should call endOfInput() to indicate end of logical input (stream) to parse.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void endOfInput()
      Method that should be called after last chunk of data to parse has been fed (with feedInput in sub-class); can be called regardless of what needMoreInput() returns.
      boolean needMoreInput()
      Method called to check whether it is ok to feed more data: parser returns true if it has no more content to parse (and it is ok to feed more); otherwise false (and no data should yet be fed).
    • Method Detail

      • needMoreInput

        boolean needMoreInput()
        Method called to check whether it is ok to feed more data: parser returns true if it has no more content to parse (and it is ok to feed more); otherwise false (and no data should yet be fed).
      • endOfInput

        void endOfInput()
        Method that should be called after last chunk of data to parse has been fed (with feedInput in sub-class); can be called regardless of what needMoreInput() returns. After calling this method, no more data can be fed; and parser assumes no more data will be available.