Class DefaultFileItemFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultFileItemFactory
    extends DiskFileItemFactory
    1.1 Use DiskFileItemFactory instead.

    The default FileItemFactory implementation. This implementation creates FileItem instances which keep their content either in memory, for smaller items, or in a temporary file on disk, for larger items. The size threshold, above which content will be stored on disk, is configurable, as is the directory in which temporary files will be created.

    If not otherwise configured, the default configuration values are as follows:

    • Size threshold is 10KB.
    • Repository is the system default temp directory, as returned by System.getProperty("").
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFileItemFactory

        public DefaultFileItemFactory()
        1.1 Use DiskFileItemFactory instead.
        Constructs an unconfigured instance of this class. The resulting factory may be configured by calling the appropriate setter methods.
      • DefaultFileItemFactory

        public DefaultFileItemFactory​(int sizeThreshold,
                                      File repository)
        1.1 Use DiskFileItemFactory instead.
        Constructs a preconfigured instance of this class.
        sizeThreshold - The threshold, in bytes, below which items will be retained in memory and above which they will be stored as a file.
        repository - The data repository, which is the directory in which files will be created, should the item size exceed the threshold.
    • Method Detail

      • createItem

        public FileItem createItem​(String fieldName,
                                   String contentType,
                                   boolean isFormField,
                                   String fileName)
        1.1 Use DiskFileItemFactory instead.
        Create a new DefaultFileItem instance from the supplied parameters and the local factory configuration.
        Specified by:
        createItem in interface FileItemFactory
        createItem in class DiskFileItemFactory
        fieldName - The name of the form field.
        contentType - The content type of the form field.
        isFormField - true if this is a plain form field; false otherwise.
        fileName - The name of the uploaded file, if any, as supplied by the browser or other client.
        The newly created file item.