Class XmlDotQuery

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<AstNode>, Iterable<Node>

    public class XmlDotQuery
    extends InfixExpression
    AST node representing an E4X foo.(bar) query expression. The node type (operator) is Token.DOTQUERY. Its getLeft node is the target ("foo" in the example), and the getRight node is the filter expression node.

    This class exists separately from InfixExpression largely because it has different printing needs. The position of the left paren is just after the dot (operator) position, and the right paren is the final position in the bounds of the node. If the right paren is missing, the node ends at the end of the filter expression.

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlDotQuery

        public XmlDotQuery()
      • XmlDotQuery

        public XmlDotQuery​(int pos)
      • XmlDotQuery

        public XmlDotQuery​(int pos,
                           int len)
    • Method Detail

      • getRp

        public int getRp()
        Returns right-paren position, -1 if missing.

        Note that the left-paren is automatically the character immediately after the "." in the operator - no whitespace is permitted between the dot and lp by the scanner.

      • setRp

        public void setRp​(int rp)
        Sets right-paren position
      • toSource

        public String toSource​(int depth)
        Description copied from class: AstNode
        Emits source code for this node. Callee is responsible for calling this function recursively on children, incrementing indent as appropriate.

        Note: if the parser was in error-recovery mode, some AST nodes may have null children that are expected to be non-null when no errors are present. In this situation, the behavior of the toSource method is undefined: toSource implementations may assume that the AST node is error-free, since it is intended to be invoked only at runtime after a successful parse.

        toSource in class InfixExpression
        depth - the current recursion depth, typically beginning at 0 when called on the root node.