Class Dim

  • public class Dim
    extends Object
    Dim or Debugger Implementation for Rhino.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Dim

        public Dim()
    • Method Detail

      • setGuiCallback

        public void setGuiCallback​(GuiCallback callback)
        Sets the GuiCallback object to use.
      • setBreak

        public void setBreak()
        Tells the debugger to break at the next opportunity.
      • setScopeProvider

        public void setScopeProvider​(ScopeProvider scopeProvider)
        Sets the ScopeProvider to be used.
      • setSourceProvider

        public void setSourceProvider​(SourceProvider sourceProvider)
        Sets the ScopeProvider to be used.
      • contextSwitch

        public void contextSwitch​(int frameIndex)
        Switches context to the stack frame with the given index.
      • setBreakOnExceptions

        public void setBreakOnExceptions​(boolean breakOnExceptions)
        Sets whether the debugger should break on exceptions.
      • setBreakOnEnter

        public void setBreakOnEnter​(boolean breakOnEnter)
        Sets whether the debugger should break on function entering.
      • setBreakOnReturn

        public void setBreakOnReturn​(boolean breakOnReturn)
        Sets whether the debugger should break on function return.
      • attachTo

        public void attachTo​(ContextFactory factory)
        Attaches the debugger to the given ContextFactory.
      • detach

        public void detach()
        Detaches the debugger from the current ContextFactory.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Releases resources associated with this debugger.
      • functionNames

        public String[] functionNames()
        Returns an array of all function names.
      • functionSourceByName

        public Dim.FunctionSource functionSourceByName​(String functionName)
        Returns the FunctionSource object for the function with the given name.
      • sourceInfo

        public Dim.SourceInfo sourceInfo​(String url)
        Returns the SourceInfo object for the given URL.
      • clearAllBreakpoints

        public void clearAllBreakpoints()
        Clears all breakpoints.
      • currentContextData

        public Dim.ContextData currentContextData()
        Returns the current ContextData object.
      • setReturnValue

        public void setReturnValue​(int returnValue)
        Sets the action to perform to end interruption.
      • go

        public void go()
        Resumes execution of script.
      • eval

        public String eval​(String expr)
        Evaluates the given script.
      • compileScript

        public void compileScript​(String url,
                                  String text)
        Compiles the given script.
      • evalScript

        public void evalScript​(String url,
                               String text)
        Evaluates the given script.
      • objectToString

        public String objectToString​(Object object)
        Converts the given script object to a string.
      • stringIsCompilableUnit

        public boolean stringIsCompilableUnit​(String str)
        Returns whether the given string is syntactically valid script.
      • getObjectProperty

        public Object getObjectProperty​(Object object,
                                        Object id)
        Returns the value of a property on the given script object.
      • getObjectIds

        public Object[] getObjectIds​(Object object)
        Returns an array of the property names on the given script object.