Class MarkerIgnoringBase

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Logger
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class MarkerIgnoringBase
    extends Object
    implements Logger
    This class serves as base for adapters or native implementations of logging systems lacking Marker support. In this implementation, methods taking marker data simply invoke the corresponding method without the Marker argument, discarding any marker data passed as argument.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarkerIgnoringBase

        public MarkerIgnoringBase()
    • Method Detail

      • isTraceEnabled

        public boolean isTraceEnabled​(Marker marker)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Similar to Logger.isTraceEnabled() method except that the marker data is also taken into account.
        Specified by:
        isTraceEnabled in interface Logger
        marker - The marker data to take into consideration
        True if this Logger is enabled for the TRACE level, false otherwise.
      • trace

        public void trace​(Marker marker,
                          String msg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Log a message with the specific Marker at the TRACE level.
        Specified by:
        trace in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        msg - the message string to be logged
      • trace

        public void trace​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object arg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.trace(String, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        trace in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg - the argument
      • trace

        public void trace​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object arg1,
                          Object arg2)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.trace(String, Object, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        trace in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg1 - the first argument
        arg2 - the second argument
      • trace

        public void trace​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object... arguments)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.trace(String, Object...) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        trace in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arguments - an array of arguments
      • trace

        public void trace​(Marker marker,
                          String msg,
                          Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.trace(String, Throwable) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        trace in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        msg - the message accompanying the exception
        t - the exception (throwable) to log
      • isDebugEnabled

        public boolean isDebugEnabled​(Marker marker)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Similar to Logger.isDebugEnabled() method except that the marker data is also taken into account.
        Specified by:
        isDebugEnabled in interface Logger
        marker - The marker data to take into consideration
        True if this Logger is enabled for the DEBUG level, false otherwise.
      • debug

        public void debug​(Marker marker,
                          String msg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Log a message with the specific Marker at the DEBUG level.
        Specified by:
        debug in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        msg - the message string to be logged
      • debug

        public void debug​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object arg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.debug(String, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        debug in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg - the argument
      • debug

        public void debug​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object arg1,
                          Object arg2)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.debug(String, Object, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        debug in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg1 - the first argument
        arg2 - the second argument
      • debug

        public void debug​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object... arguments)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.debug(String, Object...) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        debug in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arguments - a list of 3 or more arguments
      • debug

        public void debug​(Marker marker,
                          String msg,
                          Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.debug(String, Throwable) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        debug in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        msg - the message accompanying the exception
        t - the exception (throwable) to log
      • isInfoEnabled

        public boolean isInfoEnabled​(Marker marker)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Similar to Logger.isInfoEnabled() method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        isInfoEnabled in interface Logger
        marker - The marker data to take into consideration
        true if this logger is warn enabled, false otherwise
      • info

        public void info​(Marker marker,
                         String msg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Log a message with the specific Marker at the INFO level.
        Specified by:
        info in interface Logger
        marker - The marker specific to this log statement
        msg - the message string to be logged
      • info

        public void info​(Marker marker,
                         String format,
                         Object arg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        info in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg - the argument
      • info

        public void info​(Marker marker,
                         String format,
                         Object arg1,
                         Object arg2)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to, Object, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        info in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg1 - the first argument
        arg2 - the second argument
      • info

        public void info​(Marker marker,
                         String format,
                         Object... arguments)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to, Object...) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        info in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arguments - a list of 3 or more arguments
      • info

        public void info​(Marker marker,
                         String msg,
                         Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to, Throwable) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        info in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data for this log statement
        msg - the message accompanying the exception
        t - the exception (throwable) to log
      • isWarnEnabled

        public boolean isWarnEnabled​(Marker marker)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Similar to Logger.isWarnEnabled() method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        isWarnEnabled in interface Logger
        marker - The marker data to take into consideration
        True if this Logger is enabled for the WARN level, false otherwise.
      • warn

        public void warn​(Marker marker,
                         String msg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Log a message with the specific Marker at the WARN level.
        Specified by:
        warn in interface Logger
        marker - The marker specific to this log statement
        msg - the message string to be logged
      • warn

        public void warn​(Marker marker,
                         String format,
                         Object arg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.warn(String, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        warn in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg - the argument
      • warn

        public void warn​(Marker marker,
                         String format,
                         Object arg1,
                         Object arg2)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.warn(String, Object, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        warn in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg1 - the first argument
        arg2 - the second argument
      • warn

        public void warn​(Marker marker,
                         String format,
                         Object... arguments)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.warn(String, Object...) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        warn in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arguments - a list of 3 or more arguments
      • warn

        public void warn​(Marker marker,
                         String msg,
                         Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.warn(String, Throwable) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        warn in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data for this log statement
        msg - the message accompanying the exception
        t - the exception (throwable) to log
      • isErrorEnabled

        public boolean isErrorEnabled​(Marker marker)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Similar to Logger.isErrorEnabled() method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        isErrorEnabled in interface Logger
        marker - The marker data to take into consideration
        True if this Logger is enabled for the ERROR level, false otherwise.
      • error

        public void error​(Marker marker,
                          String msg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Log a message with the specific Marker at the ERROR level.
        Specified by:
        error in interface Logger
        marker - The marker specific to this log statement
        msg - the message string to be logged
      • error

        public void error​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object arg)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.error(String, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        error in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg - the argument
      • error

        public void error​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object arg1,
                          Object arg2)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.error(String, Object, Object) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        error in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arg1 - the first argument
        arg2 - the second argument
      • error

        public void error​(Marker marker,
                          String format,
                          Object... arguments)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.error(String, Object...) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        error in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        format - the format string
        arguments - a list of 3 or more arguments
      • error

        public void error​(Marker marker,
                          String msg,
                          Throwable t)
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        This method is similar to Logger.error(String, Throwable) method except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
        Specified by:
        error in interface Logger
        marker - the marker data specific to this log statement
        msg - the message accompanying the exception
        t - the exception (throwable) to log
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Logger
        Return the name of this Logger instance.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Logger
        name of this logger instance