Interface MBeanServer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    JMXMBeanServer, NullMBeanServer

    public interface MBeanServer
    This class is NOT part of the public API. It may change at any time without notification.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void registerMBean​(java.lang.Object mBean, java.lang.String mBeanName)
      Register the given mBean with the given name.
      void unregisterMBean​(java.lang.String mBeanName)
      Unregister the MBean with the given name.
    • Method Detail

      • unregisterMBean

        void unregisterMBean​(java.lang.String mBeanName)
        Unregister the MBean with the given name.
        mBeanName - the MBean name
      • registerMBean

        void registerMBean​(java.lang.Object mBean,
                           java.lang.String mBeanName)
        Register the given mBean with the given name.
        mBean - the MBean
        mBeanName - the MBean name