Class DefaultAuthenticatorFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultAuthenticatorFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Authenticator.Factory
    The Default Authenticator Factory. Uses the Authenticator.AuthConfiguration.getAuthMethod() to select an Authenticator from:
    • BasicAuthenticator
    • DigestAuthenticator
    • FormAuthenticator
    • ClientCertAuthenticator
    All authenticators derived from LoginAuthenticator are wrapped with a DeferredAuthentication instance, which is used if authentication is not mandatory. The Authentications from the FormAuthenticator are always wrapped in a SessionAuthentication

    If a LoginService has not been set on this factory, then the service is selected by searching the ContainerLifeCycle.getBeans(Class) results for a service that matches the realm name, else the first LoginService found is used.