Class WebInfConfiguration

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String TEMPDIR_CONFIGURED
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CONTAINER_JAR_PATTERN
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String WEBINF_JAR_PATTERN
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String RESOURCE_DIRS
        If set, to a list of URLs, these resources are added to the context resource base as a resource collection.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebInfConfiguration

        public WebInfConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • preConfigure

        public void preConfigure​(WebAppContext context)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: Configuration
        Set up for configuration.

        Typically this step discovers configuration resources

        Specified by:
        preConfigure in interface Configuration
        preConfigure in class AbstractConfiguration
        context - The context to configure
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to pre configure
      • findAndFilterContainerPaths

        public void findAndFilterContainerPaths​(WebAppContext context)
                                         throws java.lang.Exception
        Find jars and directories that are on the container's classpath and apply an optional filter. The filter is a pattern applied to the full jar or directory names. If there is no pattern, then no jar or dir is considered to match. Those jars that do match will be later examined for META-INF information and annotations. To find them, examine the classloaders in the hierarchy above the webapp classloader that are URLClassLoaders. For jdk-9 we also look at the java.class.path, and the jdk.module.path.
        context - the WebAppContext being deployed
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to apply optional filtering on the container's classpath
      • findAndFilterWebAppPaths

        public void findAndFilterWebAppPaths​(WebAppContext context)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
        Finds the jars that are either physically or virtually in WEB-INF/lib, and applies an optional filter to their full pathnames. The filter selects which jars will later be examined for META-INF information and annotations. If there is no pattern, then all jars are considered selected.
        context - the WebAppContext being deployed
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to find the jars or apply filtering
      • deconfigure

        public void deconfigure​(WebAppContext context)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: Configuration
        DeConfigure WebApp. This method is called to undo all configuration done. This is called to allow the context to work correctly over a stop/start cycle
        Specified by:
        deconfigure in interface Configuration
        deconfigure in class AbstractConfiguration
        context - The context to configure
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to deconfigure
      • resolveTempDirectory

        public void resolveTempDirectory​(WebAppContext context)
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
        Get a temporary directory in which to unpack the war etc etc. The algorithm for determining this is to check these alternatives in the order shown:

        A. Try to use an explicit directory specifically for this webapp:

        1. Iff an explicit directory is set for this webapp, use it. Set delete on exit depends on value of persistTempDirectory.
        2. Iff javax.servlet.context.tempdir context attribute is set for this webapp && exists && writeable, then use it. Set delete on exit depends on value of persistTempDirectory.

        B. Create a directory based on global settings. The new directory will be called "Jetty-"+host+"-"+port+"__"+context+"-"+virtualhost+"-"+randomdigits+".dir"

        If the user has specified the context attribute org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.basetempdir, the directory specified by this attribute will be the parent of the temp dir created. Otherwise, the parent dir is ${}. Set delete on exit depends on value of persistTempDirectory.

        context - the context to resolve the temp directory from
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to resolve the temp directory
      • makeTempDirectory

        public void makeTempDirectory​( parent,
                                      WebAppContext context)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
      • configureTempDirectory

        public void configureTempDirectory​( dir,
                                           WebAppContext context)
      • unpack

        public void unpack​(WebAppContext context)
      • getCanonicalNameForWebAppTmpDir

        public static java.lang.String getCanonicalNameForWebAppTmpDir​(WebAppContext context)
        Create a canonical name for a webapp temp directory.

        The form of the name is:

        host and port uniquely identify the server context and virtual host uniquely identify the webapp randomdigits ensure every tmp directory is unique
        context - the context to get the canonical name from
        the canonical name for the webapp temp directory