Class FileSessionDataStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • FileSessionDataStore

        public FileSessionDataStore()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(SessionContext context)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: SessionDataMap
        Initialize this data map for the given context. A SessionDataMap can only be used by one context(/session manager).
        Specified by:
        initialize in interface SessionDataMap
        initialize in class AbstractSessionDataStore
        context - context associated
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to initialize the
      • setStoreDir

        public void setStoreDir​( storeDir)
      • isDeleteUnrestorableFiles

        public boolean isDeleteUnrestorableFiles()
      • setDeleteUnrestorableFiles

        public void setDeleteUnrestorableFiles​(boolean deleteUnrestorableFiles)
      • delete

        public boolean delete​(java.lang.String id)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Delete a session
        id - session id
        true if the session was deleted
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to delete session data
      • deleteFile

        public boolean deleteFile​(java.lang.String filename)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Delete the file associated with a session
        filename - name of the file containing the session's information
        true if file was deleted, false otherwise
        java.lang.Exception - indicating delete failure
      • doGetExpired

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> doGetExpired​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> candidates)
        Check to see which sessions have expired.
        Specified by:
        doGetExpired in class AbstractSessionDataStore
        candidates - the set of session ids that the SessionCache believes have expired
        the complete set of sessions that have expired, including those that are not currently loaded into the SessionCache
      • sweepDisk

        public void sweepDisk()
        Check all session files that do not belong to this context and remove any that expired long ago (ie at least 5 gracePeriods ago).
      • sweepFile

        public void sweepFile​(long now,
                              java.nio.file.Path p)
        Check to see if the expiry on the file is very old, and delete the file if so. "Old" means that it expired at least 5 gracePeriods ago. The session can belong to any context.
        now - the time now in msec
        p - the file to check
      • doLoad

        public SessionData doLoad​(java.lang.String id)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionDataStore
        Load the session from persistent store.
        Specified by:
        doLoad in class AbstractSessionDataStore
        id - the id of the session to load
        the re-inflated session
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to load the session
      • doStore

        public void doStore​(java.lang.String id,
                            SessionData data,
                            long lastSaveTime)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from class: AbstractSessionDataStore
        Store the session data persistently.
        Specified by:
        doStore in class AbstractSessionDataStore
        id - identity of session to store
        data - info of the session
        lastSaveTime - time of previous save or 0 if never saved
        java.lang.Exception - if unable to store data
      • initializeStore

        public void initializeStore()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Read the names of the existing session files and build a map of fully qualified session ids (ie with context) to filename. If there is more than one file for the same session, only the most recently modified will be kept and the rest deleted. At the same time, any files - for any context - that expired a long time ago will be cleaned up.
        java.lang.Exception - if storeDir doesn't exist, isn't readable/writeable or contains 2 files with the same lastmodify time for the same session. Throws IOException if the lastmodifytimes can't be read.
      • isPassivating

        @ManagedAttribute(value="are sessions serialized by this store",
        public boolean isPassivating()
        Description copied from interface: SessionDataStore
        True if this type of datastore will passivate session objects
        true if this store can passivate sessions, false otherwise
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(java.lang.String id)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: SessionDataStore
        Test if data exists for a given session id.
        id - Identity of session whose existence should be checked
        true if valid, non-expired session exists
        java.lang.Exception - if problem checking existence with persistence layer