Class Filters

  • public final class Filters
    extends java.lang.Object
    A factory for query filters. A convenient way to use this class is to statically import all of its methods, which allows usage like:
        collection.find(and(eq("x", 1), lt("y", 3)));
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <TItem> Bson all​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Iterable<TItem> values)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified values.
      static <TItem> Bson all​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem... values)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified values.
      static Bson and​(java.lang.Iterable<Bson> filters)
      Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided list of filters.
      static Bson and​(Bson... filters)
      Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided list of filters.
      static Bson bitsAllClear​(java.lang.String fieldName, long bitmask)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where all of the bit positions are clear in the field.
      static Bson bitsAllSet​(java.lang.String fieldName, long bitmask)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where all of the bit positions are set in the field.
      static Bson bitsAnyClear​(java.lang.String fieldName, long bitmask)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where any of the bit positions are clear in the field.
      static Bson bitsAnySet​(java.lang.String fieldName, long bitmask)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where any of the bit positions are set in the field.
      static Bson elemMatch​(java.lang.String fieldName, Bson filter)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field that is an array where at least one member of the array matches the given filter.
      static <TItem> Bson eq​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field name equals the specified value.
      static <TItem> Bson eq​(TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of _id field equals the specified value.
      static Bson exists​(java.lang.String fieldName)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents that contain the given field.
      static Bson exists​(java.lang.String fieldName, boolean exists)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents that either contain or do not contain the given field, depending on the value of the exists parameter.
      static <TExpression>
      expr​(TExpression expression)
      Allows the use of aggregation expressions within the query language.
      static Bson geoIntersects​(java.lang.String fieldName, Geometry geometry)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that intersects with the specified shape.
      static Bson geoIntersects​(java.lang.String fieldName, Bson geometry)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that intersects with the specified shape.
      static Bson geoWithin​(java.lang.String fieldName, Geometry geometry)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that exists entirely within the specified shape.
      static Bson geoWithin​(java.lang.String fieldName, Bson geometry)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that exists entirely within the specified shape.
      static Bson geoWithinBox​(java.lang.String fieldName, double lowerLeftX, double lowerLeftY, double upperRightX, double upperRightY)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified box.
      static Bson geoWithinCenter​(java.lang.String fieldName, double x, double y, double radius)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified circle.
      static Bson geoWithinCenterSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName, double x, double y, double radius)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data (GeoJSON or legacy coordinate pairs) that exist entirely within the specified circle, using spherical geometry.
      static Bson geoWithinPolygon​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.util.List<java.util.List<java.lang.Double>> points)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified polygon.
      static <TItem> Bson gt​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than the specified value.
      static <TItem> Bson gte​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than or equal to the specified value.
      static <TItem> Bson in​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Iterable<TItem> values)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field equals any value in the list of specified values.
      static <TItem> Bson in​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem... values)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field equals any value in the list of specified values.
      static Bson jsonSchema​(Bson schema)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents that validate against the given JSON schema document.
      static <TItem> Bson lt​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than the specified value.
      static <TItem> Bson lte​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than or equal to the specified value.
      static Bson mod​(java.lang.String fieldName, long divisor, long remainder)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field divided by a divisor has the specified remainder (i.e.
      static <TItem> Bson ne​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem value)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field name does not equal the specified value.
      static Bson near​(java.lang.String fieldName, double x, double y, java.lang.Double maxDistance, java.lang.Double minDistance)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified point.
      static Bson near​(java.lang.String fieldName, Point geometry, java.lang.Double maxDistance, java.lang.Double minDistance)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point.
      static Bson near​(java.lang.String fieldName, Bson geometry, java.lang.Double maxDistance, java.lang.Double minDistance)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point.
      static Bson nearSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName, double x, double y, java.lang.Double maxDistance, java.lang.Double minDistance)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified point using spherical geometry.
      static Bson nearSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName, Point geometry, java.lang.Double maxDistance, java.lang.Double minDistance)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point using spherical geometry.
      static Bson nearSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName, Bson geometry, java.lang.Double maxDistance, java.lang.Double minDistance)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point using spherical geometry.
      static <TItem> Bson nin​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Iterable<TItem> values)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field does not equal any of the specified values or does not exist.
      static <TItem> Bson nin​(java.lang.String fieldName, TItem... values)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field does not equal any of the specified values or does not exist.
      static Bson nor​(java.lang.Iterable<Bson> filters)
      Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on all the specified filters.
      static Bson nor​(Bson... filters)
      Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on all the specified filters.
      static Bson not​(Bson filter)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents that do not match the passed in filter.
      static Bson or​(java.lang.Iterable<Bson> filters)
      Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided list of filters.
      static Bson or​(Bson... filters)
      Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided list of filters.
      static Bson regex​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String pattern)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
      static Bson regex​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.String options)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
      static Bson regex​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
      static Bson size​(java.lang.String fieldName, int size)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array of the specified size.
      static Bson text​(java.lang.String search)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given search term.
      static Bson text​(java.lang.String search, TextSearchOptions textSearchOptions)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given the search term with the given text search options.
      static Bson text​(java.lang.String search, java.lang.String language)
      static Bson type​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String type)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field is of the specified BSON type.
      static Bson type​(java.lang.String fieldName, BsonType type)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field is of the specified BSON type.
      static Bson where​(java.lang.String javaScriptExpression)
      Creates a filter that matches all documents for which the given expression is true.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • eq

        public static <TItem> Bson eq​(@Nullable
                                      TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of _id field equals the specified value. Note that this doesn't actually generate a $eq operator, as the query language doesn't require it.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        value - the value, which may be null
        the filter
      • eq

        public static <TItem> Bson eq​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field name equals the specified value. Note that this doesn't actually generate a $eq operator, as the query language doesn't require it.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value, which may be null
        the filter
      • ne

        public static <TItem> Bson ne​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field name does not equal the specified value.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value, which may be null
        the filter
      • gt

        public static <TItem> Bson gt​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than the specified value.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value
        the filter
      • lt

        public static <TItem> Bson lt​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than the specified value.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value
        the filter
      • gte

        public static <TItem> Bson gte​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is greater than or equal to the specified value.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value
        the filter
      • lte

        public static <TItem> Bson lte​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       TItem value)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the given field is less than or equal to the specified value.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value
        the filter
      • in

        public static <TItem> Bson in​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      TItem... values)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field equals any value in the list of specified values.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        values - the list of values
        the filter
      • in

        public static <TItem> Bson in​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      java.lang.Iterable<TItem> values)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field equals any value in the list of specified values.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        values - the list of values
        the filter
      • nin

        public static <TItem> Bson nin​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       TItem... values)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field does not equal any of the specified values or does not exist.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        values - the list of values
        the filter
      • nin

        public static <TItem> Bson nin​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       java.lang.Iterable<TItem> values)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field does not equal any of the specified values or does not exist.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        values - the list of values
        the filter
      • and

        public static Bson and​(java.lang.Iterable<Bson> filters)
        Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided list of filters. Note that this will only generate a "$and" operator if absolutely necessary, as the query language implicity ands together all the keys. In other words, a query expression like:
            and(eq("x", 1), lt("y", 3))
        will generate a MongoDB query like:
            {x : 1, y : {$lt : 3}}
        filters - the list of filters to and together
        the filter
      • and

        public static Bson and​(Bson... filters)
        Creates a filter that performs a logical AND of the provided list of filters. Note that this will only generate a "$and" operator if absolutely necessary, as the query language implicity ands together all the keys. In other words, a query expression like:
            and(eq("x", 1), lt("y", 3))
        will generate a MongoDB query like:
            {x : 1, y : {$lt : 3}}
        filters - the list of filters to and together
        the filter
      • or

        public static Bson or​(java.lang.Iterable<Bson> filters)
        Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided list of filters.
        filters - the list of filters to and together
        the filter
      • or

        public static Bson or​(Bson... filters)
        Creates a filter that preforms a logical OR of the provided list of filters.
        filters - the list of filters to and together
        the filter
      • not

        public static Bson not​(Bson filter)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents that do not match the passed in filter. Requires the field name to passed as part of the value passed in and lifts it to create a valid "$not" query:
            not(eq("x", 1))
        will generate a MongoDB query like:
            {x : $not: {$eq : 1}}
        filter - the value
        the filter
      • nor

        public static Bson nor​(Bson... filters)
        Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on all the specified filters.
        filters - the list of values
        the filter
      • nor

        public static Bson nor​(java.lang.Iterable<Bson> filters)
        Creates a filter that performs a logical NOR operation on all the specified filters.
        filters - the list of values
        the filter
      • exists

        public static Bson exists​(java.lang.String fieldName)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents that contain the given field.
        fieldName - the field name
        the filter
      • exists

        public static Bson exists​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                  boolean exists)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents that either contain or do not contain the given field, depending on the value of the exists parameter.
        fieldName - the field name
        exists - true to check for existence, false to check for absence
        the filter
      • type

        public static Bson type​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                BsonType type)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field is of the specified BSON type.
        fieldName - the field name
        type - the BSON type
        the filter
      • type

        public static Bson type​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                java.lang.String type)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field is of the specified BSON type.
        fieldName - the field name
        type - the string representation of the BSON type
        the filter
      • mod

        public static Bson mod​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                               long divisor,
                               long remainder)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field divided by a divisor has the specified remainder (i.e. perform a modulo operation to select documents).
        fieldName - the field name
        divisor - the modulus
        remainder - the remainder
        the filter
      • regex

        public static Bson regex​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                 java.lang.String pattern)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
        fieldName - the field name
        pattern - the pattern
        the filter
      • regex

        public static Bson regex​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                 java.lang.String pattern,
                                 java.lang.String options)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
        fieldName - the field name
        pattern - the pattern
        options - the options
        the filter
      • regex

        public static Bson regex​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                 java.util.regex.Pattern pattern)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of the field matches the given regular expression pattern with the given options applied.
        fieldName - the field name
        pattern - the pattern
        the filter
      • text

        public static Bson text​(java.lang.String search)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given search term.
        search - the search term
        the filter
      • text

        public static Bson text​(java.lang.String search,
                                java.lang.String language)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given search term using the given language.
        search - the search term
        language - the language to use for stop words
        the filter
      • text

        public static Bson text​(java.lang.String search,
                                TextSearchOptions textSearchOptions)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents matching the given the search term with the given text search options.
        search - the search term
        textSearchOptions - the text search options to use
        the filter
      • where

        public static Bson where​(java.lang.String javaScriptExpression)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents for which the given expression is true.
        javaScriptExpression - the JavaScript expression
        the filter
      • expr

        public static <TExpression> Bson expr​(TExpression expression)
        Allows the use of aggregation expressions within the query language.
        Type Parameters:
        TExpression - the expression type
        expression - the aggregation expression
        the filter
      • all

        public static <TItem> Bson all​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       TItem... values)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified values.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        values - the list of values
        the filter
      • all

        public static <TItem> Bson all​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       java.lang.Iterable<TItem> values)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array that contains all the specified values.
        Type Parameters:
        TItem - the value type
        fieldName - the field name
        values - the list of values
        the filter
      • elemMatch

        public static Bson elemMatch​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                     Bson filter)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field that is an array where at least one member of the array matches the given filter.
        fieldName - the field name
        filter - the filter to apply to each element
        the filter
      • size

        public static Bson size​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                int size)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where the value of a field is an array of the specified size.
        fieldName - the field name
        size - the size of the array
        the filter
      • bitsAllClear

        public static Bson bitsAllClear​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                        long bitmask)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where all of the bit positions are clear in the field.
        fieldName - the field name
        bitmask - the bitmask
        the filter
      • bitsAllSet

        public static Bson bitsAllSet​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      long bitmask)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where all of the bit positions are set in the field.
        fieldName - the field name
        bitmask - the bitmask
        the filter
      • bitsAnyClear

        public static Bson bitsAnyClear​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                        long bitmask)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where any of the bit positions are clear in the field.
        fieldName - the field name
        bitmask - the bitmask
        the filter
      • bitsAnySet

        public static Bson bitsAnySet​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      long bitmask)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents where any of the bit positions are set in the field.
        fieldName - the field name
        bitmask - the bitmask
        the filter
      • geoWithin

        public static Bson geoWithin​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                     Geometry geometry)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that exists entirely within the specified shape.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        the filter
      • geoWithin

        public static Bson geoWithin​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                     Bson geometry)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that exists entirely within the specified shape.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        the filter
      • geoWithinBox

        public static Bson geoWithinBox​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                        double lowerLeftX,
                                        double lowerLeftY,
                                        double upperRightX,
                                        double upperRightY)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified box.
        fieldName - the field name
        lowerLeftX - the lower left x coordinate of the box
        lowerLeftY - the lower left y coordinate of the box
        upperRightX - the upper left x coordinate of the box
        upperRightY - the upper left y coordinate of the box
        the filter
      • geoWithinPolygon

        public static Bson geoWithinPolygon​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                            java.util.List<java.util.List<java.lang.Double>> points)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified polygon.
        fieldName - the field name
        points - a list of pairs of x, y coordinates. Any extra dimensions are ignored
        the filter
      • geoWithinCenter

        public static Bson geoWithinCenter​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                           double x,
                                           double y,
                                           double radius)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with grid coordinates data that exist entirely within the specified circle.
        fieldName - the field name
        x - the x coordinate of the circle
        y - the y coordinate of the circle
        radius - the radius of the circle, as measured in the units used by the coordinate system
        the filter
      • geoWithinCenterSphere

        public static Bson geoWithinCenterSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                                 double x,
                                                 double y,
                                                 double radius)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data (GeoJSON or legacy coordinate pairs) that exist entirely within the specified circle, using spherical geometry. If using longitude and latitude, specify longitude first.
        fieldName - the field name
        x - the x coordinate of the circle
        y - the y coordinate of the circle
        radius - the radius of the circle, in radians
        the filter
      • geoIntersects

        public static Bson geoIntersects​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                         Bson geometry)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that intersects with the specified shape.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        the filter
      • geoIntersects

        public static Bson geoIntersects​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                         Geometry geometry)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that intersects with the specified shape.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        the filter
      • near

        public static Bson near​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                Point geometry,
                                java.lang.Double maxDistance,
                                java.lang.Double minDistance)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        maxDistance - the maximum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        minDistance - the minimum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        the filter
      • near

        public static Bson near​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                Bson geometry,
                                java.lang.Double maxDistance,
                                java.lang.Double minDistance)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        maxDistance - the maximum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        minDistance - the minimum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        the filter
      • near

        public static Bson near​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                double x,
                                double y,
                                java.lang.Double maxDistance,
                                java.lang.Double minDistance)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified point.
        fieldName - the field name
        x - the x coordinate
        y - the y coordinate
        maxDistance - the maximum distance from the point, in radians. It may be null.
        minDistance - the minimum distance from the point, in radians. It may be null.
        the filter
      • nearSphere

        public static Bson nearSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      Point geometry,
                                      java.lang.Double maxDistance,
                                      java.lang.Double minDistance)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point using spherical geometry.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        maxDistance - the maximum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        minDistance - the minimum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        the filter
      • nearSphere

        public static Bson nearSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      Bson geometry,
                                      java.lang.Double maxDistance,
                                      java.lang.Double minDistance)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified GeoJSON point using spherical geometry.
        fieldName - the field name
        geometry - the bounding GeoJSON geometry object
        maxDistance - the maximum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        minDistance - the minimum distance from the point, in meters. It may be null.
        the filter
      • nearSphere

        public static Bson nearSphere​(java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      double x,
                                      double y,
                                      java.lang.Double maxDistance,
                                      java.lang.Double minDistance)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents containing a field with geospatial data that is near the specified point using spherical geometry.
        fieldName - the field name
        x - the x coordinate
        y - the y coordinate
        maxDistance - the maximum distance from the point, in radians. It may be null.
        minDistance - the minimum distance from the point, in radians. It may be null.
        the filter
      • jsonSchema

        public static Bson jsonSchema​(Bson schema)
        Creates a filter that matches all documents that validate against the given JSON schema document.
        schema - the JSON schema to validate against
        the filter