Interface Closure

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ChainedClosure, ExceptionClosure, ForClosure, IfClosure, NOPClosure, SwitchClosure, TransformerClosure, WhileClosure

    public interface Closure
    Please use Apache Commons Collections 4 instead.
    Defines a functor interface implemented by classes that do something.

    A Closure represents a block of code which is executed from inside some block, function or iteration. It operates an input object.

    Standard implementations of common closures are provided by ClosureUtils. These include method invokation and for/while loops.

    Commons Collections 1.0
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        void execute​(java.lang.Object input)
        Performs an action on the specified input object.
        input - the input to execute on
        java.lang.ClassCastException - (runtime) if the input is the wrong class
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - (runtime) if the input is invalid
        FunctorException - (runtime) if any other error occurs