Class Enums

    • Method Detail

      • getField

        public static Field getField​(Enum<?> enumValue)
        Returns the Field in which enumValue is defined. For example, to get the Description annotation on the GOLF constant of enum Sport, use Enums.getField(Sport.GOLF).getAnnotation(Description.class).
      • valueOfFunction

        public static <T extends Enum<T>> Function<String,​T> valueOfFunction​(Class<T> enumClass)
        Returns a Function that maps an Enum name to the associated Enum constant. The Function will return null if the Enum constant does not exist.
        enumClass - the Class of the Enum declaring the constant values.
      • getIfPresent

        public static <T extends Enum<T>> Optional<T> getIfPresent​(Class<T> enumClass,
                                                                   String value)
        Returns an optional enum constant for the given type, using Enum.valueOf(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.String). If the constant does not exist, Optional.absent() is returned. A common use case is for parsing user input or falling back to a default enum constant. For example, Enums.getIfPresent(Country.class, countryInput).or(Country.DEFAULT);