Class Sanitizer

  • public class Sanitizer
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Sanitizer

        public Sanitizer()
    • Method Detail

      • sanitize

        public static String sanitize​(String slug,
                                      String filler,
                                      boolean lower)
      • sanitize

        public static String sanitize​(String slug,
                                      String filler,
                                      boolean lower,
                                      Normalizer.Form form,
                                      String pattern)
        Used to sanitize a string. Optionally performs Unicode Form KD normalization on a string to break extended characters down, then replaces non alphanumeric characters with a specified filler replacement.
        slug - The source string
        filler - The replacement string
        lower - True if the result should be lowercase
        form - Unicode Normalization form to use (or null)