Class DOMBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • DOMBuilder

        public DOMBuilder()
        Construct a new instance of this DOMBuilder.
      • DOMBuilder

        public DOMBuilder​(SAXTransformerFactory factory)
        Construct a new instance of this DOMBuilder.
      • DOMBuilder

        public DOMBuilder​(DOMBuilder.Listener listener)
        Construct a new instance of this DOMBuilder.
      • DOMBuilder

        public DOMBuilder​(Node parentNode)
        Constructs a new instance that appends nodes to the given parent node.
        Note: You cannot use a Listener when appending to a Node, because the notification occurs at endDocument() which does not happen here.
      • DOMBuilder

        public DOMBuilder​(DOMBuilder.Listener listener,
                          Node parentNode)
        Construct a new instance of this DOMBuilder.