Interface Query

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Query
    A Query object.
    • Field Detail

      • XPATH

        static final String XPATH
        As of JCR 2.0, this language is deprecated.
        A string constant representing the XPath query language as defined in JCR 1.0.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SQL

        static final String SQL
        As of JCR 2.0, this language is deprecated.
        A string constant representing the SQL query language as defined in JCR 1.0.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • JCR_SQL2

        static final String JCR_SQL2
        A string constant representing the JCR-SQL2 query language.
        JCR 2.0
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • JCR_JQOM

        static final String JCR_JQOM
        A string constant representing the JCR-JQOM query language.
        JCR 2.0
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setLimit

        void setLimit​(long limit)
        Sets the maximum size of the result set to limit.
        limit - a long
        JCR 2.0
      • setOffset

        void setOffset​(long offset)
        Sets the start offset of the result set to offset.
        offset - a long
        JCR 2.0
      • getStatement

        String getStatement()
        Returns the statement defined for this query.

        If the language of this query is JCR-SQL2 or another string-based language, this method will return the statement that was used to create this query.

        If the language of this query is JCR-JQOM, this method will return the JCR-SQL2 equivalent of the JCR-JQOM object tree. This is the standard serialization of JCR-JQOM and is also the string stored in the jcr:statement property if the query is persisted. See storeAsNode(String).

        the query statement.
      • storeAsNode

        Node storeAsNode​(String absPath)
                  throws ItemExistsException,
        Creates a node of type nt:query holding this query at absPath and returns that node.

        This is a session-write method and therefore requires a to dispatch the change.

        The absPath provided must not have an index on its final element. If ordering is supported by the node type of the parent node then the new node is appended to the end of the child node list.

        An ItemExistsException will be thrown either immediately, on dispatch or on persists, if an item at the specified path already exists and same-name siblings are not allowed. Implementations may differ on when this validation is performed.

        A PathNotFoundException will be thrown either immediately, on dispatch or on persists, if the specified path implies intermediary nodes that do not exist. Implementations may differ on when this validation is performed.

        A ConstraintViolationExceptionwill be thrown either immediately, on dispatch or on persists, if adding the node would violate a node type or implementation-specific constraint or if an attempt is made to add a node as the child of a property. Implementations may differ on when this validation is performed.

        A VersionException will be thrown either immediately, on dispatch or on persists, if the node to which the new child is being added is read-only due to a checked-in node. Implementations may differ on when this validation is performed.

        A LockException will be thrown either immediately, on dispatch or on persists, if a lock prevents the addition of the node. Implementations may differ on when this validation is performed.

        absPath - absolute path the query should be stored at
        the newly created node.
        ItemExistsException - if an item at the specified path already exists, same-name siblings are not allowed and this implementation performs this validation immediately.
        PathNotFoundException - if the specified path implies intermediary Nodes that do not exist or the last element of relPath has an index, and this implementation performs this validation immediately.
        ConstraintViolationException - if a node type or implementation-specific constraint is violated or if an attempt is made to add a node as the child of a property and this implementation performs this validation immediately.
        VersionException - if the node to which the new child is being added is read-only due to a checked-in node and this implementation performs this validation immediately.
        LockException - if a lock prevents the addition of the node and this implementation performs this validation immediately.
        UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if persistent queries are not supported.
        RepositoryException - if another error occurs or if the absPath provided has an index on its final element.
      • getBindVariableNames

        String[] getBindVariableNames()
                               throws RepositoryException
        Returns the names of the bind variables in this query. If this query does not contains any bind variables then an empty array is returned.
        the names of the bind variables in this query.
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
        JCR 2.0