Class LegendreGaussIntegrator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    UnivariateRealIntegrator, ConvergingAlgorithm

    public class LegendreGaussIntegrator
    extends UnivariateRealIntegratorImpl
    Implements the Legendre-Gauss quadrature formula.

    Legendre-Gauss integrators are efficient integrators that can accurately integrate functions with few functions evaluations. A Legendre-Gauss integrator using an n-points quadrature formula can integrate exactly 2n-1 degree polynomials.

    These integrators evaluate the function on n carefully chosen abscissas in each step interval (mapped to the canonical [-1 1] interval). The evaluation abscissas are not evenly spaced and none of them are at the interval endpoints. This implies the function integrated can be undefined at integration interval endpoints.

    The evaluation abscissas xi are the roots of the degree n Legendre polynomial. The weights ai of the quadrature formula integrals from -1 to +1 ∫ Li2 where Li (x) = ∏ (x-xk)/(xi-xk) for k != i.
