Interface ExperienceFragment

    • Field Detail


        static final String PN_FRAGMENT_VARIATION_PATH
        Name of the configuration policy property that specifies the experience fragment variation path. The property should provide a String value.
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.9.0
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalizedFragmentVariationPath

        default String getLocalizedFragmentVariationPath()
        Returns the localized path of the experience fragment variation if the experience fragment resource is defined in the template. If not, it returns the configured fragment path if it exists, null otherwise. If both the content page and the experience fragment have a localized root (language, live copy or blueprint), - it is then assumed that the content pages and the experience fragments follow the same structure patterns - this method returns the localized path of the experience fragment based on the localization of the content page if it exists, otherwise it returns the fragment path that is configured, suffixed with "/jcr:content".
        Localized experience fragment variation path
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.9.0
      • getName

        default String getName()
        Returns the technical name of the experience fragment.
        the technical name of the experience fragment
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.11.0
      • getCssClassNames

        default String getCssClassNames()
        Generates some container class names (needed for SPA framework)
        Css Class names
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.15.0
      • isConfigured

        default boolean isConfigured()
        Simple boolean flag to check if the experience fragment variation and its underlying experience fragment is configured. If the localizedFragmentVariationPath path is not configured or the children are empty, this wis will return false.
        localizedFragmentVariationPath is configured and has entries
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.15.0
      • getExportedItemsOrder

        default @NotNull String[] getExportedItemsOrder()
        Description copied from interface: ContainerExporter

        Returns the order of items in the map.

        NOTE: This information is required because the JSON specification and most implementations don't provide a stable order of items in JSON objects. Methods whose JSON serialization would lead to the same JSON property name (":order") will not be serialized.

        Specified by:
        getExportedItemsOrder in interface ContainerExporter
        the order of the items in the map; the array can be empty if the item order is not provided by the underlying persistence layer
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.15.0
        See Also:
      • getExportedItems

        default @NotNull Map<String,​? extends ComponentExporter> getExportedItems()
        Description copied from interface: ContainerExporter

        Returns the map of all exported child items (resource names from Sling Model classes).

        NOTE: Methods whose JSON serialization would lead to the same JSON property name (":items") will not be serialized.

        Specified by:
        getExportedItems in interface ContainerExporter
        the map of all exported child items
        com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models 12.15.0
        See Also: