Interface SWFFontDescription

  • public interface SWFFontDescription
    This interface contains methods that allow for the construction of a SWF DefineFont2 or DefineFont3 tag. When the mapping from character to glyph occurs in this interface, it is always a simple mapping. This means no OpenType processing occurs. Only BMP characters are handled, since that is all DefineFont2/3 can handle.


    Implementations of this interface are immutable after contruction and contains no mutable static data. It is therefore threadsafe.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canDisplay​(char c)
      Return true iff the font has a non-notdef glyph associated with it.
      double getAscent()
      Get the ascent value for the font.
      String getCopyright()
      Get the copyright string associated with the font.
      double getDescent()
      Get the descent for the font.
      double getEmScale()
      Get the native scaling units associated with the font.
      String getFamily()
      Get the family name for the font.
      int getFirstChar()
      Get the lowest unicode scalar value that has a non-notdef glyph associated with it.
      String getFullName()
      Get the Mac/English full name associated with the font, as required by the DefineFontName tag.
      double getHorizontalAdvance​(char ccode)
      Get the advance width associated with the given character.
      int getLastChar()
      Get the largest BMP value that has a non-notdef glyph associated with it.
      double getLineGap()
      Get the line gap for the font.
      int getNumGlyphs()
      Get the number of glyphs in the font.
      void getOutline​(char ccode, OutlineConsumer consumer)
      Get the outline associated with the given character.
      Permission getPermissions()
      Determine the permissions associated with this font.
      String getPostscriptName()
      Get the postscript name associated with the font.
      String getSubFamily()
      Get the subfamily name for the font.
      String getTrademark()
      Get the trademark string associated with the font.
      boolean isBold()
      Return true iff the font is the bold member of a family.
      boolean isItalic()
      Return true iff the font is the italic member of a family.