Interface ContextHubCache

  • public interface ContextHubCache
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        String getCode​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                       ContextHubCache.CodeType codeType)
        Retrieves the code for the particular contexthub configuration and corresponding to the given codeType from the cache. The contexthub configuration, for which the code needs to be returned, is retrieved from the given request object.
        request - The request object from which the contexthub configuration path is retrieved
        codeType - the type of code to return
        String containing the code if the code is present in the cache
        null if code is not found in the cache
      • getCodeMetadata

        Map getCodeMetadata​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                            ContextHubCache.CodeType codeType)
        Retrieves the metadata for the code stored in the cache - for the particular contexthub configuration and corresponding to the given codeType. The contexthub configuration, for which the metadata needs to be returned, is retrieved from the given request object.
        request - The request object from which the contexthub configuration path is retrieved
        codeType - the type of code corresponding to which the metadata should be returned
        Map containing the metadata as key-value pairs if the code and its corresponding metadata is present in the cache
        The returned map would be empty if the code or its corresponding metadata is not found in the cache
      • cacheCode

        void cacheCode​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                       ContextHubCache.CodeType codeType,
                       String code)
        Stores the supplied code in the cache. The code is mapped and stored for the particular contexthub configuration and corresponding to the given codeType. The contexthub configuration, corresponding to which the code needs to be stored, is retrieved from the given request object.
        request - The request object from which the contexthub configuration path is retrieved
        codeType - The type of code corresponding to which the code needs to be stored.
        code - the code to store
      • setCodeMetadata

        void setCodeMetadata​(SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                             ContextHubCache.CodeType codeType,
                             Map metadata)
        Stores the supplied metadata in the cache. The metadata is mapped and stored for the particular contexthub configuration and corresponding to the given codeType. The contexthub configuration, corresponding to which the metadata needs to be stored, is retrieved from the given request object.
        request - The request object from which the contexthub configuration path is retrieved
        codeType - The type of code corresponding to which the metadata needs to stored
        metadata - The metadata to store