Interface ThreadDumpsFileManager

    • Method Detail

      • getThreadDumpsBackupsDirectories

        String[] getThreadDumpsBackupsDirectories()
        Enlists all the directories/zip files under the ${sling.home}/threaddumps directory. Each directory/zip file is in the yyyyMMdd pattern.
        all the directories/zip files under the ${sling.home}/threaddumps directory.
      • compressThreadDumps

        void compressThreadDumps​(OutputStream target,
                                 String... selected)
                          throws IOException
        Compresses in the target output stream, using the Zip algorithm, all the selected directories/zip files.
        target - the output stream where the dumps will be stored using the Zip algorithm.
        selected - the selected directories/zip files that have to be compressed.
        IOException - if any error occurs while compressing data to the target stream.