Class ByteOps

  • public final class ByteOps
    extends Object
    This class provides many utility methods over bytes.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int copy​(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dst, int dstOff, int len)
      Copies source to destion array.
      static int endsWithPartial​(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] suffix, int sufOff)
      Returns the index at which this suffix exists in the src array.
      static int equalArrays​(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dst, int dstOff, int len)
      Checks the equality of two byte arrays.
      static byte getHex​(byte b)
      Converts the specified hexidecimal character to a byte value.
      static byte[] getHex​(byte[] src)
      Returns hex representation of src.
      static byte[] getHex​(byte[] src, int size)
      Hex encodes the data in src to a new byte array that is of length size.
      static ASName getHexName​(byte[] in)
      Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex name (lowercase).
      static ASName getHexName​(byte[] in, boolean uppercase)
      Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex name.
      static String getHexString​(byte[] in)
      Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex string.
      static String getHexString​(byte[] in, int size)
      Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex string.
      static String getHexString2​(byte[] in)
      Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex string.
      static byte getNumericalValue​(byte b)
      Returns the numerical value for a byte that is used to represent a character.
      static String getUnicode​(byte[] unicodeBytes)
      In presumption that the input byte array contains Unicode characters converts them to Java String.
      static boolean isASCII​(byte[] bytes)  
      static boolean isDigit​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents a decimal digit.
      static boolean isHexDigit​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents a hex digit.
      static boolean isLeadingOctalDigit​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents a leading octal digit.
      static boolean isLiteral​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents a literal PDF character.
      static boolean isOctalDigit​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents an octal digit.
      static boolean isRegular​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents a regular PDF character.
      static boolean isWhitespace​(byte b)
      Determines whether the specified byte represents a PDF whitespace character.
      static boolean isWhitespace​(char c)
      Determines whether the specified character represents a PDF whitespace character.
      static int readField​(byte[] s, int pos)
      Reads two characters that are assumed to be digits and combines them into a decimal value.
      static byte[] splitInt2Bytes​(int src, int count)
      Converts the integer passed here to byte array.
      static byte[] toByte​(short word0)  
      static byte[] xorArray​(byte[] array, byte with)
      Computes the XOR of the individual bytes of arrays passed here and returns it.
    • Method Detail

      • isWhitespace

        public static final boolean isWhitespace​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents a PDF whitespace character. Whitespace characters are defined in section 3.1.1 of the PDF Reference Manual version 1.4.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character is whitespace.
      • isWhitespace

        public static final boolean isWhitespace​(char c)
        Determines whether the specified character represents a PDF whitespace character. Whitespace characters are defined in section 3.1.1 of the PDF Reference Manual version 1.4.
        c - Character to test
        true if the character is whitespace.
      • isASCII

        public static boolean isASCII​(byte[] bytes)
      • xorArray

        public static final byte[] xorArray​(byte[] array,
                                            byte with)
        Computes the XOR of the individual bytes of arrays passed here and returns it.
      • endsWithPartial

        public static int endsWithPartial​(byte[] src,
                                          int srcOff,
                                          byte[] suffix,
                                          int sufOff)
        Returns the index at which this suffix exists in the src array.
      • equalArrays

        public static final int equalArrays​(byte[] src,
                                            int srcOff,
                                            byte[] dst,
                                            int dstOff,
                                            int len)
        Checks the equality of two byte arrays.
      • copy

        public static final int copy​(byte[] src,
                                     int srcOff,
                                     byte[] dst,
                                     int dstOff,
                                     int len)
        Copies source to destion array.
      • splitInt2Bytes

        public static final byte[] splitInt2Bytes​(int src,
                                                  int count)
        Converts the integer passed here to byte array.
      • isRegular

        public static final boolean isRegular​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents a regular PDF character. Regular characters are defined in section 3.1.1 of the PDF Reference Manual version 1.4.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character is regular.
      • isLiteral

        public static final boolean isLiteral​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents a literal PDF character. String literal characters are defined in section 3.2.3 of the PDF Reference Manual version 1.4.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character is a literal.
      • isDigit

        public static final boolean isDigit​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents a decimal digit.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character represents a decimal digit.
      • isHexDigit

        public static final boolean isHexDigit​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents a hex digit.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character represents a hex digit.
      • isOctalDigit

        public static final boolean isOctalDigit​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents an octal digit.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character represents an octal digit.
      • isLeadingOctalDigit

        public static final boolean isLeadingOctalDigit​(byte b)
        Determines whether the specified byte represents a leading octal digit. A leading octal digit is one that leads a 3 digit octal sequence that will fit within a single byte. That means that the octal digit must be between 0 and 3 inclusive.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character represents an octal digit.
      • getNumericalValue

        public static final byte getNumericalValue​(byte b)
        Returns the numerical value for a byte that is used to represent a character. So, if a byte contains the value 0x30 (or the "character" '0') that would return a value of 0. This will work for decimal, octal, and hexadecimal values.
        b - Character to test
        true if the character represents an octal digit.
      • readField

        public static int readField​(byte[] s,
                                    int pos)
                             throws PDFParseException
        Reads two characters that are assumed to be digits and combines them into a decimal value.
        s - Byte array containing two characters to convert to a a numeric value
        pos - Position in the array where the characters start
        Value of the two characters combined and treated as decimal digits (e.g. "12" is returned as the value 12).
        PDFParseException - If two characters could not be read from the byte array or the characters did not correspond to decimal digits.
      • getHex

        public static byte[] getHex​(byte[] src)
        Returns hex representation of src.
      • getHex

        public static byte[] getHex​(byte[] src,
                                    int size)
        Hex encodes the data in src to a new byte array that is of length size. If the hex encoded data is less than size, then the buffer is padded with zeroes. The size parameter must be equal to or greater than 2 * src.length or an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException will occur. The size parameter should also be even since hex encoded data always has an even length.
      • getHexString

        public static String getHexString​(byte[] in)
        Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex string.
      • getHexName

        public static ASName getHexName​(byte[] in,
                                        boolean uppercase)
        Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex name.
        in - the bytes used to make the hex name
        uppercase - true if the hex should utilize upper-case alpha characters; false if the alpha characters should be lower-case
      • getHexString

        public static String getHexString​(byte[] in,
                                          int size)
                                   throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex string. The size parameter must be equal to or greater than 2 * src.length or an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException will occur. The size parameter should also be even since hex encoded data always has an even length.
      • getHexString2

        public static String getHexString2​(byte[] in)
        Converts the contents of a byte[] to a hex string.
      • getHex

        public static byte getHex​(byte b)
                           throws PDFParseException
        Converts the specified hexidecimal character to a byte value. For example, the hex character 'A' is converted to the value 10.
        b - Hex character to convert
        Byte value corresponding to the specified hex character.
      • getUnicode

        public static String getUnicode​(byte[] unicodeBytes)
        In presumption that the input byte array contains Unicode characters converts them to Java String. If the input byte array is null, empty or contains non-Unicode characters returns null.
        unicodeBytes -
        String representation of the Unicode characters in a byte array
      • toByte

        public static final byte[] toByte​(short word0)