Class Picture

    • Constructor Detail

      • Picture

        public Picture​(Element parent,
                       Node prevSibling)
    • Method Detail

      • formatString

        public boolean formatString​(String sSource,
                                    String sLocale,
                                    StringBuilder sResult)
        formatString formats a data string using the defined picture formatting mask for current context.
        sSource - - The data string to be formatted
        sLocale - The name of the locale
        sResult - - the StringBuilder to be formatted.
        true if successfully formatted, false otherwise.
      • getValue

        public String getValue()
        Get the text stored in this element
        the text string
      • setNumericAttributes

        public void setNumericAttributes()
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(String sText)
        Set the text value within this element
        sText - a string to set/replace the text stored in this element
      • unformatString

        public String unformatString​(String sSource,
                                     String sLocale,
                                     BooleanHolder pbSuccess)
        unformatString unformats a data string using the defined picture formatting mask for current context.
        sSource - The data string to be unformatted
        sLocale - The locale in which to perform the unformatting
        pbSuccess - The result of the unformatting operation
        true if successfully parsed, false otherwise.